Alexandria Letter: Enforce All Traffic Rules

Alexandria Letter: Enforce All Traffic Rules

Letter to the Editor

To the Editor:

Believe it or not (and contrary to popular opinion) the Virginia Department of Transportation says that motorists and bicyclists are governed by the same laws regarding traffic regulations. In fact, no distinction is made for automobiles, trucks, tractor-trailers, motorcycles or bicycles, which are all treated equally.

If an individual is convicted of a traffic violation, the Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) is notified of this, and it is posted to his/her driving record. At this stage, a certain number of points are awarded for the violation in question. As an example, a failure to stop at a traffic sign or signal results in three points being awarded. A license may be suspended if 12 points are accrued over a 12-month period. This action will undoubtedly have an adverse effect on the auto insurance policy of the individual, since suspension or excess points may be subject to stringent underwriting rules.

Since bicycles are not above the law; bicyclists failing to obey stop signs in Alexandria should be mindful of impartiality of the point system, since it applies to the operation of all conveyances. As an example, Charlottesville has long ticketed errant bicyclists, and ensures that the DMV is aware of these violations.

The Alexandria police need to be more vigilant in identifying bicycle traffic violators, and judges need to support the prosecution of these violators. Once the word gets out that Alexandria is serious about enforcing traffic rules for all modes of transportation, then citizens in those areas impacted by the current traffic chaos can fully participate in the amenities of living in Alexandria, since the antics of the bicycle scofflaws will be curtailed.

Townsend A. “Van” Van Fleet
