Herndon Letter: A Leader on Veterans Issues

Herndon Letter: A Leader on Veterans Issues

Letter to the Editor

To the Editor:

All too often our veterans have been forgotten and not given the honors they deserve when they return home from their tours of duty. As a veteran myself, I have long been bothered by the fact that many of our veterans who served in the Korean War have not received the recognition they are owed.

But last week, Congress took a major step toward ameliorating that problem. The House passed H.R. 1475, which creates a wall of remembrance located at the Korean War Memorial in Washington, D.C. The wall will

list the names of all those who were killed, wounded, missing, or prisoners during the war, and will finally provide veterans of the Korean War the honor and respect they deserve.

I was proud to see that our Congresswoman, Barbara Comstock, was one of the cosponsors of this important piece of legislation. Barbara has been a leader in Congress on veterans’ issues and has been at the forefront

of passing several major pieces of legislation benefiting veterans. She was a key cosponsor of the Hire More Heroes Act, which incentivizes small businesses to hire veterans returning from war. She also co-sponsored the SALUTE Act, which assists veterans coping with addiction and mental illness. And most recently, Barbara supported efforts to combat the issue of veteran suicide by voting for the Clay Hunt Suicide Prevention Bill.

I am very grateful for all that Barbara has done for veterans. She has made it a priority to help those of us who have served our nation and I urge you to support her this November.

Lindsey Smith
