Grammy-nominated, Ethiopian-born singer and songwriter Wayna (above) served as mistress of ceremonies. Financial contributors for the Celebration were Alexandria Office of the Arts, Alexandria Redevelopment Housing Authority, the Ethiopian Yellow Pages, the Kathy Wilson Foundation, Mark Computing & Accounting Firm, and the National Council For Adoption. In-kind services were provided by Marta Ali Studios, Matt Andrea Travel Photography, Alexandria Black History Museum, Alem Fine Arts, Inc, and Beteseb Paint. Ethiopian appetizers were provided by Bati Restaurant and Lounge; Chercher Ethiopian Restaurant and Mart; Enat Fine Ethiopian Cuisine; Ethiopian Girum Grocery and Bakery; East Habesha, East African clothing, spices, and accessories; Hawwi Ethiopian Café; International Market - Jano Market; Kare Baltena International; Nazret Baltna/Market; Tesedey Abeba Restaurant and Grocery; Time Café and Market; World Market; and, Yammi Market & Café. To become involved with other Office of the Arts programs or to learn more about the office’s programs and services, visit: www.alexandriava/arts or call 703-746-5565.