Cadet Major Alicia Cho (center) with her mother, Joy Chong (left), and Providence Regent Janet Crowl (right).
Janet Crowl, Regent of Providence Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR), presented the DAR ROTC Bronze Award to Cadet Major Alicia E. Cho at the Air Force Junior ROTC Pass-in-Review ceremony on May 7. Cho, who attends Centreville High School, participates in the Junior ROTC program at Chantilly High School. She serves as her unit's vice commander and drill team commander. She plans to attend Virginia Tech in the fall as a member of its Corps of Cadets.
DAR awards ROTC medals to student cadets of outstanding ability and achievement; the schools select the award recipients, who must have shown qualities of dependability, good character, adherence to military discipline, leadership ability, and understanding of the importance of ROTC training. In addition, the recipients must have demonstrated loyalty and patriotism, must have earned a record of military achievement through their participation in the ROTC program, and must have been in the upper 25 percent of their classes in ROTC and in academic subjects.