Herndon Thrift Shop Awards Scholarships
The Closet of Greater Herndon awarded $20,000 in college scholarships to 18 high school graduates in ceremonies at five local high schools. Closet Board President Gene Wiley said, "We're so proud of these youth and their families and are happy to continue supporting this important educational need in our community."
The 2016 scholarship recipients are:
Herndon High School: Aimee Gissell Aguilar, Sophiah Georginah Sumi Kawachi and Marshall Lane Kurtz
Mountain View High School: Hina Zaheer Chaudhry, Wendy Stephanie Sanchez Hernandez and Yi Li Zhong
Oakton High School: Juan Carlos Sheehan Dumlao, Marissa Ivannah Medina, Devora Rebecca Rivera and Rahim Mahi Rustamov
Parkview High School: Alexander Ohene Kwakye, Maya Ledell York, Tran Bao Lee and Jaijanna Shanell Henderson
South Lakes High School: Gwyneth Philothea Berry, Tara Carol Vaughns, Quanaisja Nicole Rubeck and Joseph Enrique Pavlack
The Closet of Greater Herndon is a nonprofit thrift shop founded and operated by numerous area faith-based communities.
Donations of clothing and small household items may be dropped off at the store Monday through Saturday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Retail store hours are 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, and 5 to 8 p.m on Thursdays in June, July and August.
Go to http://www.theclosetofgreaterherndon.org for further information.