Alexandria Letter: Why Bernie Next Tuesday

Alexandria Letter: Why Bernie Next Tuesday

Letter to the Editor

To the Editor:

Unlike most elections in our fair City, next Tuesday's Presidential primary is largely flying under the radar, since most of the local Democratic establishment views Bernie Sanders as a threat to politics as usual. For us, the choice to support Sen. Sanders, based on his energy, vision and hope, is crystal clear.

Great leaders like President John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Jr., inspired citizens with bold, ambitious goals. In 1961, the thought of landing an American on the moon was beyond realistic. And yet, without setting lofty goals real change does not happen.

But with effort we believe that most of today's challenges are not insurmountable. Both of us have traveled or lived extensively in Northern and Western Europe. Americans are a "can-do" people and if universal healthcare or free higher education is possible in every other advanced nation, certainly this should not be a high hurdle for America, as long as we have a leader brave enough to raise the issue.

To us, Sen. Sanders is the logical person to pick up and advance the forward-thinking ideas advocated by President Obama. A future based on the status quo — especially now as manifested through Sen. Sanders' strong support among the youth — is no longer acceptable.

Together let's keep America moving forward. We hope that you will join us in voting for Sen. Sanders on March 1.

Tessa Read

Matt Harris
