Alexandria Letter: Between All or None

Alexandria Letter: Between All or None

Letter to the Editor

To the Editor:

This is in reference to the Letter to the Editor (April 6, 2016) entitled "Unnecessary Expense." We seem to be at the crossroads of history between "all or none."

There are citizens legitimately outraged by the lingering racial heritage of slavery and how it is displayed in public space. Referring to Confederate soldiers who "died to protect their state, homes and loved ones from invaders" is insensitive. They died to maintain a Southern way of life including protecting their property — thousands of enslaved African Americans. Characterizing the City Council's efforts as ignominious and misguided does not contribute to a reasonable discussion.

There is a common heritage that should be shared. History will not correct the sins of the past. However, if the story of the Civil War is told accurately and respectfully we do not have to be defensive or ashamed. We and our children will be better off knowing the tragic events that transformed our great country.

As a community we can find common ground. There were people who were racist, white supremacist who should not be glorified on holidays, in the public square or on street signs. Renaming Jefferson Davis Highway makes sense. Quantrell Avenue off of Beauregard named after the Confederate pro-slavery guerilla leader who “murdered and burned out Missouri Unionist” (James M. McPherson) should be renamed. Not all Confederate street names should be replaced. They are a reminder of a different time and place and will continue to be part of Virginia history. However, there is middle ground between "all or none."

Dave Cavanaugh
