Letter: Reason for Leaving Democratic Committee

Letter: Reason for Leaving Democratic Committee

Letter to the Editor

To the Editor:

Earlier this year when I decided to run in the primary for delegate, I did so as the next step in my decades-long commitment to our city and to ensuring every member of our community can participate fully in our economy and society. That means safe, quality, accessible education from preschool through college. It requires access to health care, including mental health services. Finally it means we need to nurture and support the small businesses and entrepreneurs that employ our neighbors and make up the backbone of our economy.

That commitment has led me to have the honor of serving our community as chair of four important civic organizations — Alexandria’s Economic Opportunity Commission, Alexandria Community Services Board, Sheltered Homes of Alexandria and now Hopkins House. For similar reasons, I have belonged to the Alexandria Democratic Committee for more than 20 years, serving in a variety of roles including deputy chair for Finance and Administration for nearly six years.

Our city has recently received numerous accolades as a great place to live (http://www.visitalexandriava.com/plan/about/accolades/) but we also face serious challenges. In light of the specter of another Federal sequester, state revenues that are still recovering from the recession, and an over-reliance on residential property taxes for revenue, it will require experienced leadership to address issues of our crowded schools and aging infrastructure while maintaining the services we and our neighbors need and expect.

While I deeply respect our past history, I am more concerned about our future success. Mayor Euille’s stewardship of Alexandria, over the last decade, along with our City Council has been how we have weathered the recession, retaining our outstanding bond rating and our services, strengthened our schools and continued to attract business and residents to our wonderful city.

I have been and will continue to be a committed Democrat. Membership in the governing body of the party, the Alexandria Democratic Committee, requires supporting the slate of candidates determined on June 9. I am totally supportive of our council candidates. However, today I am requesting a leave of absence from the Alexandria Democratic Committee through Nov. 4, 2015 in order to help the write-in campaign to re-elect Mayor Euille. I look forward to rejoining the committee after the election.

Julie Jakopic
