Letter: Time for ‘New Blood’

Letter: Time for ‘New Blood’

Letter to the Editor

To the Editor:

This will reply to the letter in your Aug. 20 edition asking “[w]hat is it about Euille’s candidacy that so concerns the vice mayor’s supporters?”

First, I am upset by the frenetic pace of building townhouses on most every open green spot in Alexandria. I bank at Wells Fargo on Washington and Princess streets. The Euille administration permitted the building of five townhouses on Princess and Columbus streets that cut the bank’s parking lot by more than half and induces illegal parking on visits to the bank.

Second, the Euille administration permitted townhouse building at Wilkes and Columbus streets eliminating my grand-daughter’s favorite hotdog building.

Third, the Euille administration permitted the building of 22 townhouses in the 1300 block of Wilkes street, in part, inducing me to sell my home in the1200 block of Wilkes street after 10 years.

Clearly, this frenetic and not well thought-out pace of building has disrupted my life.

I have resided in the DMV area since 1967 and moved to Alexandria in 1988 because of its attractive federalist style.The Euille administration is destroying the allure of Alexandria by permitting the building of “New York Warehouse” buildings on north and south Route 1 near Madison and Mongomery streets. This ruins the federalist character, charm and appeal of Alexandria.

I leave the debate of Alexandria’s rising debt of $530 million (and for what) to others more knowledgeable of the facts.

These are some of the reasons I support Allison Silberberg for Mayor and Van Van Fleet, Monique Miles, Bob Wood and Fernando Torrez for City Council to stop the carnage and plunder of Alexandria’s character, beauty, appeal and resources.

It is time for “New Blood” to lead Alexandria in the 21st century.

Herve Aitken
