Completing Eagle Scout Project at Churchill Road, McLean

Completing Eagle Scout Project at Churchill Road, McLean

Pictured from left in front of the terraced beds they built at Churchill Road Elementary School are Eagle Scout candidate Cameron Hohl, Tom Bascom, Kurt Hohl, Tom Kiess, John Endean, Jeff Zimmerman, fellow scout Will Baxley, John Baxley, and scouts Thomas Bascom and Daniel Endean.

Pictured from left in front of the terraced beds they built at Churchill Road Elementary School are Eagle Scout candidate Cameron Hohl, Tom Bascom, Kurt Hohl, Tom Kiess, John Endean, Jeff Zimmerman, fellow scout Will Baxley, John Baxley, and scouts Thomas Bascom and Daniel Endean. Photo by Julie Hohl

On Oct. 3, Cameron Hohl, a junior at Langley High School and Churchill Road alumnus, completed his Eagle Scout project at Churchill Road Elementary School. Along with 27 volunteers, including parents and fellow members of Boy Scout Troop 444, Cameron created a series of terraced beds along the front of the school. Besides being an aesthetic improvement, the new beds will decrease the erosion along the front of the school. The Churchill Road community extends a sincere thank you to Cameron and all the scouts and family members for their efforts.