To the Editor:
Are we the only ones confused by candidate Van Fleet’s mixed messages on business development? Recently he proclaimed a pro-business stance, criticizing Alexandria Economic Development Partnership and Visit Alexandria for not attracting more commercial development, “… they’re not bringing in a lot of business development, and that’s what I support.” On the very same day, Van Fleet sent out an email to his supporters that said, “It's time to take our City back from the Developers!” So, which is it: pro-business or anti-business?
Mr. Van Fleet is quick to criticize our current Council and economic development agencies for Alexandria’s over-reliance on the residential tax base. Perhaps he’s forgotten his obstruction of virtually every commercial project in Alexandria?
As small business owners, we well remember his call for a boycott of any business supporting the Waterfront Small Area Plan. Did he miss the news about the relocation of the TSA and NSF to Alexandria? Is he unaware of the 6,000 jobs or the three quarter of a billion dollars in spending our hospitality industry supports? The facts do seem to be getting in the way of his campaign rhetoric.
The truth is Mr. Van Fleet and his cohorts have created a toxic environment for business in our city — whether it’s large development or small businesses locating or expanding here. The persistent opposition to new development and new business has garnered the city an anti-business reputation. Despite his platitudes, his campaign has two planks — no growth, no development. In other words, maintain the past.
A city needs to maintain positive growth to attract new businesses and residents. That’s how we grow our tax base to address the many challenges before us — the exploding school population, our aging infrastructure and transportation needs to name but a few.
We are at a golden moment where can embrace the future and make our city truly grand. Or we can turn around, walk away from the future and back to the past.
Aimee Houghton
Jody Manor