Enjoying the luncheon program are Pastor Brent Thalacker (at left) of Nativity Lutheran Church and Pastor Robert Lewis of Messiah Lutheran Church. Photo Contributed
Ventures in Community (VIC), an organization of faith communities and other nonprofits serving Southeast Fairfax County, hosted its monthly luncheon meeting at United Community Ministries (UCM) on Wednesday, Oct. 7. The program focused on early childhood education and the well-being of children in Fairfax County. Featured speakers were Torria Baker, director of the UCM Early Learning Center and Anne Cahill, manager of Economic, Demographic and Statistical Research, Fairfax County Department of Neighborhood and Community Services. Attendees were asked to bring children’s books to the luncheon to benefit UCM’s Mount Vernon Kids programs, which include Healthy Families Fairfax, UCM Early Learning Center, Forward Steps, and Computer Center Learning Partnership.
The VIC’s mission is to unite the faith communities of Southeast Fairfax County to advocate for and serve people in need. Meetings are held on the first Wednesday of most months at 11.30 a.m. This year’s VIC officers are: co-facilitators Keith Davey of the Mount Vernon Stake, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, and David Levine of Good Shepherd Housing and Family Services; secretary Barbara Cotter; and treasurer Karen Latta.
For more information about VIC, contact Cristina Schoendorf at cristina.schoendorf@ucmagency.org.