Boy Scout Troop 673, sponsored by the Great Falls United Methodist Men, recently promoted a new Eagle Scout, Ryan Laughrey, on Nov. 12. Ryan is the 123rd Eagle Scout from Troop 673.
Ryan, son of Colonel James and Loretta Laughrey, joined Troop 673 in 2012 after transferring from Troop 173 in Carlisle, Pa. Ryan quickly emerged as a leader and served as a Patrol Leader, Assistant Senior Patrol Leader, Quartermaster and Instructor. While serving in these positions, he was accepted into the Order of the Arrow, Scouting’s National Honor Society, and earned 30 merit badges. Ryan was the only senior Scout who stepped up to lead the younger Scouts on their own version of a High Adventure in August 2013, leading a crew of a half-dozen rising sixth and seventh graders on the Hike Across Maryland – hiking for over 40 miles in five days along the Appalachian Trail and performing a service project along the way.
For his Eagle Project, Ryan supervised the building and installation of shelves and a fireplace screen in the playroom and the office at the Alternative House, a home for abused and homeless youth, in Dunn Loring. Wall-mounted shelves allow the staff and residents to store toys, books, binders, and office supplies neatly and free up floor space. In phase 1 of the project, Ryan and troop Scouts painted the shelves at an offsite location. In phase 2, Ryan, his family, and troop Scouts installed the shelves.
Ryan is a senior at Marshall High School and has been active on the Robotics Team. He has also received numerous awards including Aerospace Science Student of the Year, Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) Regional Science Fair 2nd Place, and the FCPS Science Fair Rodger H. Flagg Memorial Award for Innovation. Ryan played soccer with the PA South Middleton Soccer Association (U13-U17) and the Northern Virginia Suburban Friendship League (U19) and has worked as a soccer referee.