Letter: Offers New Solutions

Letter: Offers New Solutions

Letter to the Editor

To the Editor:

I’m voting for Jack Dobbyn for Mount Vernon District supervisor because thus far Mr. Dobbyn has been the only candidate offering ideals and ideas.

While I am sad to see Mr. Hyland leaving his role as Mount Vernon supervisor, I know that Mount Vernon still has its trials and tribulations, and Mr. Dobbyn has not shied away from identifying some of our issues. But more than that, Mr. Dobbyn has offered new solutions. From the others I've only heard the standard plan and implement rhetoric that you’d expect from educated and professional men and women seeking a job. Mr. Dobbyn has not only discussed real issues, but has shown the passion that will also be required to move residents and fellow Board of Supervisors to action.

Mr. Dobbyn is talking about the issues that are more than simple resume embellishments. He is talking about the things that make a difference in the lives of Mount Vernon residents: restoring accreditation to Mount Vernon schools, credibility to our police department, how to expand our road network, and bringing quality businesses throughout our district.

I have observed Mr. Dobbyn with his family around Mount Vernon. He’s a very caring and loving father.

Mount Vernon needs more than somebody that admires the achievements of our past. We need new leadership for Mount Vernon, leadership with real ideas and solutions, and not afraid to stand up for what is right for us when nobody else will. We need a supervisor that will focus the county on the right priorities — our schools, our local economy, our traffic, and our public safety.

This is the time for Mount Vernon residents to choose a supervisor with new ideas and ideals, passion and energy, dedication and commitment to our entire community. I believe those qualities are best seen in Jack Dobbyn. He has my vote on June 9.

Maritza Zermeno
