“The Madwoman of Chaillot,” a poetic satire set in a revolutionary-era France is playing at Gunston Theatre through June 28. Tickets are $50 on opening night, $30 on Fridays and $35 on Saturday and Sunday evenings. Visit www.avantbard.org for more. Photo by Teresa Wood
“A Tale of Two Cities.” Through June 21 at various times at Synetic Theater, 1800 S. Bell St. A drag queen finds an abandoned baby at his door. To calm the child down, he enacts the entirety of Charles Dickens' “A Tale of Two Cities” – playing all the characters himself. Tickets start at $35. Visit www.synetictheater.org.
“Fragments of Everyday Life.” Through June 27, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Monday-Friday and 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Saturday at Gallery Underground, 2100 Crystal Drive. Artist Dennis Crayon uses classical painting techniques, trompe l’eoil, and contemporary composition to paint “fragments.” Free. Visit www.galleryunderground.com.
June Members Show. Through June 27, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Monday-Friday and 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Saturday at Gallery Underground, 2100 Crystal Drive. Gallery Underground’s members will present an exhibit of sculpture, glass, ceramics, etc. Free. Visit www.galleryunderground.com.
“Current.” Through June 28, 4-8 p.m. on Wednesday and Friday; 12-5 p.m. on Sunday at Artisphere’s Artist in Residence Studio, 1101 Wilson Blvd. Sculptor and installation artist Brian Davis will have open studio hours. Free. Visit www.artisphere.com.
Spring SOLOs. Through June 28, 12-5 p.m. Wednesday-Sunday at Arlington Arts Center, 3550 Wilson Blvd. Arlington Arts Center hosts several solo exhibits each season. This spring, they welcome Bradley Chriss, Nichola Kinch, Kate kretz, A. Gray Lamb, Nate Larson, Dan Perkins, and Paul Shortt. Admission to the gallery is free. Visit www.arlingtonartscenter.org.
"The Madwoman of Chaillot." Through June 28 at various times at Gunston Theatre Two, 2700 South Lang St. The WSC Avant Bard presents a comedy translated from French about four women attempting to save the world from capitalists. Tickets start at $10. Visit www.wscavantbard.org.
“Holoscenes/Quaternary Suite.” Through June 28, Gallery hours at Artisphere, 1101 Wilson Blvd. Media artists, design, director, write and artistic director of Early Morning Opera Lars Jan presents a performance, video, photographic and print comprised work. Free. Visit www.artisphere.com.
“Cabaret.” Through June 28 at various times at Signature Theatre, 4200 Campbell Ave. This musical is set in 1931 Berlin and revolves about a young cabaret perform and her love interest. Tickets start at $40. Visit www.signature-theatre.org.
ArtJamz. Fridays in June from 5:30-7:30 p.m. at 1750 Crystal Drive. Create an original work of art while being inspired by the beauty of water, multiple wine varietals and live music. Customers get their choice of canvas, paint and art materials, easel, as well as helpful tips and guidance from art-trained team of creative enablers. Tickets are $40 45. Visit www.artjamzdc.com/wine-in-the-water-park-artjamz-crystal-city.
Rosslyn Outdoor Film Festival. Fridays, through Aug. 28. 8:30 p.m. at Gateway Park, 1300 Lee Highway. The theme this year is “Quotable Comedies.” Free admission. See www.rosslynva.org/events.
Summer Movies @Penrose Square. Saturdays, through Sept. 19. Sundown at Penrose Square, 2597 Columbia Pike. Free. Visit www.columbia-pike.org.
Friday/June 19
Astronomy Night on the Mall. 6-11 p.m. at 15th street NW and Constitution Ave. Guided tour of the sky by astronomers sponsored by Arlington Planetarium. Free. Visit www.hofstra.edu/Academics/Colleges/HCLAS/PHYSIC/physic- nationalmall.html for more details.
Full Dome Show at the Arlington Planetarium. 7:30 p.m., Arlington Planetarium, 1426 N Quincy St. Liam Neeson narrates “Black Holes: the Other Side of Infinity.” Hosted by Arlington Public Schools. Admission for all programs is $3 for children (up to age 12), $5 for members and seniors (60+), and $7 for non-member teens and adults Purchase tickets a twww.apsva.us/planetarium.
Friday-Saturday/June 19-20
Comedy Show with Finesse Mitchell. 10 p.m. at Arlington Cinema and Drafthouse, 2903 Columbia Pike. Finesse Mitchell, from Shaq All-Star Comedy Jam tour and Live from SNL performs a comedy show. Tickets are $20. Email info@arlingtondrafthouse.com for more.
Saturday/June 20
Hawaiian Cultural Festival. 12-4 p.m. at Gunston Theatre One, 2700 S Lang St. Learn about the Hawaiian and Maori cultures with hands-on cultural activities. Find kanikapila, a style of Hawaiian music and performances. $10 in advance, $12 at the door. Children and under are free. Visit www.halauoaulani.org.
“The Good Lie” Film Screening and Discussion. 1 p.m. at Columbia Pike Branch Library, 816 S Walter Reed Drive. Watch a screening of the 2014 film “The Good Lie” about a group of “Lost Boys” from South Sudan who were resettled in the United States in the 1990s followed by a panel discussion about refugee resettlement featuring two “Lost Boys,” who will share their personal experiences. Admission is free. See www.library.arlingtonva.us.
Columbia Pike Blues Festival. 1-8 p.m. on Columbia Pike. Spend the day on one of Arlington's most diverse corridors listening to Blues. Free admission. See www.stayarlington.com/events/event-listings/columbia-pike-blues-festival.
5th Annual “Fabulous” Event. 5-9 p.m. at Clarendon Ballroom, 3185 Wilson Blvd. Chris4Life and Never Too Young host an evening of fashion and food for colon cancer awareness. Tickets are $30-100. Visit www.chris4life.org/nevertooyoung.
Award Ceremony. 7:30 p.m. at Arlington Planetarium, 1426 N Quincy St. Announcement of the 2014 recipient of the David M. Brown Memorial Scholarship. Admission for all programs is $3 for children (up to age 12), $5 for members and seniors (60+), and $7 for non-member teens and adults.Visit www.friendsoftheplanetarium.org. for more.
Lecture by Beth Tatum. 7:30 p.m. at the Arlington Planetarium, 1426 N Quincy St. Lecture on “Hydrogen Alpha: Unlocking the Sun’s Chromosphere.” Admission for all programs is $3 for children (up to age 12), $5 for members and seniors (60+), and $7 for non-member teens and adults. Visit www.friendsoftheplanetarium.org. for more.
Full Dome Show. 7:30 p.m. at the Arlington Planetarium, 1426 N Quincy St. Learn about the lives of stars. Admission for all programs is $3 for children (up to age 12), $5 for members and seniors (60+), and $7 for non-member teens and adults.Visi twww.friendsoftheplanetarium.org. for more.
Sunday/June 21
“Life and Death: The Earth-Sun Connection.” 1:30 p.m. at the Arlington Planetarium, 1426 N Quincy St. Professor from George Washington University Dr. Bethany Cobb Kung talks about the influence the sun has on earth. Admission for all programs is $3 for children (up to age 12), $5 for members and seniors (60+), and $7 for non-member teens and adults. Visit www.friendsoftheplanetarium.org. for more.
Crystal Car. 2-6 p.m. at 220 S 20th St. The Crystal City Business Improvement District in partnership with Vornado/Charles E. Smith, and the Washington Wine Academy, is hosting a Father’s Day Auto Festival. Patrons may bring their cars to be showcased, and families may participate in live music, beer garden, and activities for children. Admission is free for guests and vehicles. Visit www.crystalcity.org.
Full Dome Show. 3 p.m. at the Arlington Planetarium, 1426 N Quincy St. Watch animated characters Cy, Annie and their dog Armstrong travel through space. Admission for all programs is $3 for children (up to age 12), $5 for members and seniors (60+), and $7 for non-member teens and adults. Visit www.friendsoftheplanetarium.org for more.