‘Music of the Civil War’ at Freeman Store and Museum
Historic Vienna, (the Freeman Store and Museum), 131 Church Street, NE will be participating in the third of the Town of Vienna’s Afternoons on Church Street, the next being Sunday, July 26, from 1 to 5 p.m. (the theme will be Party on the Porch). The major events for the day will feature Prudence Traut’s quilting display and demonstration at the Freeman Store, and, from 2-3 p.m., Jon Vrana will be on the porch presenting "Music of the Civil War" -- a program of traditional music of the American Civil War, the Irish, and the 19th century. Vrana will feature mandolin, concertina, harmonica, and other instruments. Events are rain or shine. As an extra treat there will be a watermelon spitting contest for young and old from 3-4 p.m. As in the past, Historic Vienna will also offer a wide variety of vintage children’s games (tiddlywinks, hop-scotch, hoops, and more), and there will again be homemade ice cream to churn and enjoy.
Stories and Sprinklers Continue
Each Wednesday, through Aug. 5, Historic Vienna will continue the Stories and Sprinkles program for children at the Historic Vienna Little Library just behind the Freeman Store. The program begins at 1:30 p.m., and, after the stories, the kids (any age) can enjoy a run through the sprinklers on the lawn of the Vienna Town Green.
Bring your children, listen to stories, play the games, enjoy the presentations and demonstrations, and peruse the vintage items and used books for sale every time you come to the Store, as well as a brand new assortment of gifts and a selection of old-fashioned candies including the age-old favorite, wax bottles filled with fruit flavored syrup.
Vienna Arts Society to Hold Awards Reception
Juror Matthew G. Schmidt will select winners at the Vienna Arts Society's annual judged photography exhibition. Vienna Art Center is located at 115 Pleasant St., NW, Vienna. Enjoy light refreshments and meet the artists at the Awards Reception, Saturday, Aug. 8, 4 - 6 p.m. The exhibition is open Tuesdays - Saturdays, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m., Aug. 4 - 29. Free and open to the public 703-319-3971; www.ViennaArtsSociety.org.
Volunteers Needed
The Shepherd’s Center of Oakton-Vienna has an urgent need for volunteer drivers to take area seniors to medical appointments and other activities. Opportunities to volunteer for other services are also available. No long-term commitment and hours are flexible to fit your schedule.Visit www.scov.org or contact the Volunteer Coordinator at 703-281-5086 or email volunteer@scov.org
Buffet Breakfast at American Legion
The Vienna American Legion Buffet Breakfast, which is normally held on the third Sunday, will be held on July 26, the fourth Sunday. That is a change for July only. The breakfast is from 8 a.m. to noon. Adults $9, children 12 and under $3. On the menu: omelets, scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, blueberry pancakes, biscuits and sausage gravy, fruit and home fries. For more information, call 703-938-6580.