Letter: ‘Shots Fired’ Not Whole Story

Letter: ‘Shots Fired’ Not Whole Story

Letter to the Editor

To the Editor:

This morning there was an alleged Navy Yard incident, a report of gunshots fired. The report was said to be in error.

Such situations do not excuse the Alexandria Gazette Packet’s poor coverage of neighborhood “Shots Fired” (June 25). In a neighborhood which has military in residence it is hard to believe no one can tell the difference between gunshots and firecrackers. Not all situations are the same, but gunfire is gunfire.

“Shots Fired” began long before April 18, 2015. Then again, only a police department spokesperson was quoted. At least she acknowledged the “incidents are linked to certain crowds of people.”

Police teams recently walked the neighborhood. The outcome was gunfire, or the distinctive sound of, 24 hours later. Calls came from across northwest Old Town, from a variety of locations, yet eNews specifically reported the incident as the 700 block of N. Fayette Street no evidence found. Who is hiding what?

“We’re not talking gang activity,” said Nosal. “To be termed gang activity, there must be clear gang identifiers.” Court records confirm gang members are among the proven perpetrators.

David Harrison
