Letter: Focus on Middle Schools

Letter: Focus on Middle Schools

Letter to the Editor

To the Editor:

The following is an open letter to the mayor, City Council and School Board.

I am writing this letter to you as a concerned father of an elementary school student who is about to graduate and get ready for middle school this year.

This is what I have been observing for the past 4-5 years in Alexandria among parents as this trend continues and now started affecting me, something I wasn’t thinking about so seriously until now. What I am referring to is the fact that almost all parents who can afford to keep their children away from the city middle schools try to send their middle school ready children somewhere else whether it is a private school or another public school at different jurisdiction.

They do it at whatever cost they can — by using their family savings for private education, relocating somewhere else by short-selling their houses even though the current location is ideal place to raise family, or renting out their properties at very low rent — as long as their kids will stay away from Hammond or Houston middle school. It is those students who come from needy and low income families end up attending these schools. No wonder the Houston middle school that was recently re-built with the state of art classrooms and that is considered very spacious is not even half-full. Almost everyone who attend this school (or Hammond) is either African American or Latino. This obviously doesn’t reflect our city’s ethnic makeup though it is very diverse, something that makes me very proud as a resident.

In addition, the ratings assigned to Alexandria middle schools is usually between 1 and 3 on the scale 1 to 10.

So, what is going on? Aren’t you concerned about this situation? May I know where your children went for middle school? As a city taxpayer, why should I consider sending my son to somewhere else even if this will be a huge financial burden for my family while I am paying my fair share of taxes to fund Alexandria middle schools? How are you planning to address this crisis considering that there are only few months left until the new school year begins?

I am really looking forward to your response.

Bedir Memmedli, CPA
