Column: Animeals on Wheels

Column: Animeals on Wheels

Providing assistance to senior pet owners.

SSA volunteers Dan Bernstein and Tom Irvin Deliver pet food and supplies to seniors.

SSA volunteers Dan Bernstein and Tom Irvin Deliver pet food and supplies to seniors. Photo Contributed

It’s well known that pets can play a significant role in the quality of a senior’s life by providing personal companionship. However, sometimes it’s not easy to properly provide for a pet when living on a limited income. Senior Services of Alexandria (SSA) and the Animal Welfare League of Alexandria (AWLA) have teamed up to help seniors provide for their pets though a unique program called “Animeals on Wheels.” Eligible seniors, aged 60 and over who reside in the City of Alexandria, can have free pet food delivered to their residence once a month.

SSA volunteers deliver dog and cat food to eligible seniors’ residences on the second Thursday of every month. The cat and dog food is provided from donations to the AWLA, and clients can choose between 10 pounds of dry or 10 cans of wet food. Clients may also indicate their animals’ preference for variety of food, and every effort is made to meet those requests.

If you are interested in learning more about the program and whether you qualify, or if you know of a senior who might benefit from this program, call Senior Services of Alexandria at 703-836-4414, ext. 113 or go to our website, for an application form.