MaryAnne Beatty, SSA; John Smucker, Meals on Wheels volunteer; Dolores Viehman, SSA, and Ellie Fossier, SSA. Photo Contributed
It only takes one volunteer to make a difference in someone’s life. This was the inspirational message shared at Senior Services of Alexandria’s recent annual Volunteer Luncheon, hosted by the Fountains at Washington House. Meals on Wheels and Friendly Visitor program volunteers were honored for their commitment and dedication to improving the lives of seniors in the City of Alexandria.
Special recognition went to two long-time volunteers who recently retired as Meals on Wheels coordinators for their churches. Robert Bussler, representing Trinity United Methodist Church, and John Smucker, of Immanuel Church on the Hill, have more than 60 years of service in the program. Friendly Visitor Volunteers Toni Dawsey and Bonny O’Neil were also honored for their devotion to the seniors they have visited weekly since the program began in 2012. Program Director Sarah Drexler told the audience about the many ways both women have made a positive impact on the lives of their senior friends.
Luncheon guests were treated to fascinating presentation by Rhonda Williams, director of the Geriatric Mental Health Team in the City of Alexandria’s Department of Community and Human Services. She pointed out that SSA's volunteers are helping the seniors they serve, and at the same time helping themselves too. Studies confirm that staying active and involved in the community helps maintain and improve brain health. For more information about volunteering for Senior Services of Alexandria go to or call 703-836-4414.