Afterschool Programs

Afterschool Programs

Great for children, working parents and the community.

A timely report hit the streets last week that zeros in on the powerful impact of after-school hours on children, parents and communities. “America After 3PM,” published by the Afterschool Alliance, summarizes the value and benefits of afterschool programs. The report explores several issues including demand for programs, why parents value afterschool programs, experiences provided, participation rates by race and income, and barriers that keep children from participating. “America After 3PM” found that more children are participating in afterschool programs, at least 10.2 million compared to just 8.4 million in 2009. Even more striking is the data on the number of children, 2 in 5 (41 percent), who would participate if a program were available to them.

Bringing this closer to home, only 15 percent of children in Virginia participate in an afterschool program, but a dramatic 35 percent would if a program were available to them.

For those that do participate in afterschool programs, parents listed the following top five reasons:

Safety (90 percent)

Quality of care (87 percent)

Convenient location - usually located in a school (85 percent)

Hours match needs (83 percent)

Child’s enjoyment of the program (81 percent)

Parents also report a number of important benefits for children and the community. In particular 67 percent of Virginia parents agree that afterschool programs can help children gain workforce skills such as teamwork, leadership and critical thinking. Seventy-two percent of parents also agree that afterschool programs help keep children from engaging in risky behaviors that can have long-term negative benefits for kids and the community (e.g., crime, teen pregnancy, etc.). Finally, afterschool programs help drive the economic engine of our communities, with 77 percent of Virginia parents agreeing that afterschool programs helps them remain employed.

Here in Alexandria, The Campagna Center operates afterschool programs at the elementary, middle and high school level. Campagna Kids, which serves children in elementary school, reaches upwards of 1,000 children per year by offering before and aftercare during the school year and over winter, spring and summer breaks that enable parents to remain at work without leaving children unattended.

Just as “America After 3pm” puts a spotlight on afterschool programs, so are The Campagna Center and others in Alexandria when we celebrate “Lights-On Afterschool” today, Oct. 23. Open houses will be underway at Campagna Center programs, where parents, volunteers, Board members, Junior Friends and Supporting Friends will join with staff and implement activities that engage the creativity and imagination of children and youth in our community. Light’s On Afterschool, in its 15th year, was created by the Afterschool Alliance to help communities around the country unite and raise awareness about the importance of afterschool programs. To learn more about the national survey visit the Afterschool Alliance at ( To learn more about Campagna Center programs visit our website (