As more children arrive, the life-size papier-mâché dog begins to get a coat of newsprint. The papier-mâché sculpture was organized and created by Torpedo Factory artist Lisa Schumaier and Kelly Organek of UpCycle. Photo by Louise Krafft.
“Can you find the owl painting, the lizard sculpture, and what kind of lizard is it, what color is the dinosaur, in ‘Cathedral Gaggle’ how many geese do you see?” These were just a few questions on the Art League Gallery Scavenger Hunt at annual Art Safari last month in the Torpedo Factory Art Center. Children and their parents were invited to create origami treasure boxes, build a papier-mâché life-sized dog, make a bottle cap necklace, play with wet clay, paint a picture at the open easel station, and learn the crayon resist technique and relief printmaking while working with studio artists. Alexandria Archeology staff and volunteers offered visitors the opportunity to create their own sketches and learn to identify 19th century Alexandria potters from the designs on stoneware pottery. The event was sponsored, in part, by UpCycle Creative Reuse Center.