Letter to the Editor: Actions Speak Louder Than Words

Letter to the Editor: Actions Speak Louder Than Words

To the Editor:

The Alexandria Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC) is

acting to improve safety across the city, with a recent focus in Old

Town. Implementing city plans and policies will make Alexandria more

walkable and bikeable, but we recognize that the behavior of drivers,

cyclists and pedestrians also contributes to how safe and comfortable it

feels to walk, drive, and cycle, particularly in Old Town. BPAC

encourages behavior that is respectful, predictable and lawful. The

value of being predictable and lawful should be self-evident and these

are common themes in transportation safety education. Being respectful

is no less important.


Each Thursday in October "Bike Ambassadors" from the Washington Area Bicyclist Association and local volunteers from the Alexandria Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee and Alexandria Spokeswomen used signs and smiles to encourage respectful and lawful behavior along Union Street in Old Town.

Drivers and cyclists demonstrate respect for pedestrians when they

stop, not only at stop signs, but at other pedestrian crossings when

pedestrians are waiting to cross the street. Cyclists show respect for

pedestrians by avoiding sidewalks where there are safe alternatives.

Where the sidewalk is the only safe option (and where it isn’t

prohibited) cyclists should yield to pedestrians. For me, that means

stopping and stepping aside well in advance of an oncoming pedestrian,

and leaving them a wide berth when overtaking. It is not just a matter

of avoiding the pedestrian, but clearly yielding, and in sufficient time

so the pedestrian knows what the cyclist will do.

What is BPAC doing to encourage more respectful, predictable and lawful

behavior? In September, BPAC launched a two-day education outreach

campaign aimed at cyclists entering Old Town from the north and south

along the Mount Vernon Trail. We set up information booths and talked

to cyclists about safety, and respectful, predictable, lawful behavior.

Each Thursday in October "Bike Ambassadors" from the Washington Area

Bicyclist Association (WABA) and local volunteers from BPAC and

Alexandria Spokeswomen used signs and smiles to encourage respectful and

lawful behavior along Union Street in Old Town. Drivers and cyclists

alike seemed to get the message. BPAC plans to continue these events.

BPAC has also encouraged enforcement by Alexandria's Police Department

(APD). Understanding APD resource limitations and their other

priorities, BPAC's efforts are intended to compliment APD enforcement

efforts. Together, we are starting to have an impact, judging by

anecdotal reports from residents and the APD. Please help by being

respectful, predictable and lawful, whether you are driving, cycling, or
