2014-15 officers of the Senior Adult Council installed by Jane Rudolph (center), director of the Department of Parks and Recreation, from left, are John Gunning, treasurer; Christine Werner, secretary; Cindy Miller, chair, and Vera Lebeau, co-chair.
At the 10th annual Senior Leadership Recognition luncheon, sponsored by Arlington County’s Department of Parks and Recreation and Office of Senior Adult Programs on Thursday, June 12 at The Jefferson Retirement Community, County Board chairman Jay Fisette praised the contribution of senior volunteers and recognized their “effectiveness in advocating for senior issues” and “supporting Arlington’s renowned senior adult programs.” He also reflected on the array of programs offered daily at senior centers that include fitness, travel, arts, education, sports and wellness.
Jane Rudolph, director of the Department of Parks and Recreation, highlighted the importance of Arlington’s Senior Adult Council. She installed the 2014-2015 officers of the Council who are Cindy Miller, chair; Vera Libeau, co-chair; Christine Werner, secretary and John Gunning. Miller, treasurer.
Cheryl Johnson, manager of the Office of Senior Adult Programs, presented “outstanding volunteer” awards to Carmen Shippy, program instructor; Ron Musselwhite, advocate for quality programs and Randy Randall, travel leader. Johnson also recognized the senior adult advisory committees at each senior center including Arlington Mill, Aurora Hills, Culpepper Garden, Langston-Brown, Lee and Walter Reed plus the sports and fitness, travel and peer transitions committees. For more information about the Office of Senior Adult Programs and senior center programs, call 703-228-4744 or check the website at www.arlingtonva.us, click on 55+ Guide.