Week in McLean

Week in McLean

AAUW Announces Used Book Collections

McLean AAUW Annual Used Book Collections – in preparation for its 45th Annual Used Book Sale to be held Sept. 19-21 -- will be held 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. June 21, July 19 and, Aug. 9 at the Sun Trust Bank, 515 Maple Avenue East, Vienna.

Highly desirable contributions include musical CDs as well as DVDs of television series and movies; recent editions of histories, including military histories, biographies, political analyses, gardening, health, general literature and business and economics books. We also need travel books published since 2009 and, as always, we need treasured collectibles and special art books, mystery stories, children’s and general interest adult books.

Sale proceeds support the professional development and scholarships for women.

Questions: aauwbookfair@gmail.com; Tel: 703-527-4206

University of North America Coming to Tysons

On Tuesday, June 3, the Board of Supervisor approved Special Exception (SE 2013-HM-024), regarding the University of North America, Inc.. The University will be located at 8618 Westwood Center Drive, Vienna – in the Tysons West Transit Oriented Development District within one-half mile of the Spring Hill Metro station.

The facility will include classrooms, offices for staff and faculty, sufficient for an initial enrollment of 215 students. Future expansion of up to 500 students is possible.

The University will complement the mixed-use and transit oriented development goals for the Tysons Corner Urban Center and take full advantage of their proximity to the Spring Hill Metro station.

Offering graduate degree programs, including Master and Doctoral programs in Business Administration, Science and Information Technology, Science and Computer Science, and Information Technology, the university will provide a variety of graduate level certificate programs, as well. Hours of operation are 9:30 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday, and 9:30 a.m.- 6:00 p.m. on Sunday.

Do More 24 Set for June 19

Through Do More 24 – a region-wide, 24-hour online marathon of giving on Thurs, June 19 – United Way NCA is, on one single day, calling the entire DC metro region together to help keep hundreds of local nonprofits vital throughout the year.

So far 400 nonprofits – including many serving Fairfax/Falls Church – are participating.

Last year, $1.3 million was raised through the first Do More 24 day.

On June 19, there will be live updates at domore.org throughout the day and night.

Local restaurants partnering with neighborhood nonprofits are offering promos and special events on June 19.

United Way is awarding $72,500 in prizes to nonprofits with the best Do More 24 campaigns.

The DC metro region is home to 3 of the top 4 most generous online cities. According to Blackbaud’s 2012 rankings of the most generous online cities (based on per capita online giving and total amount donated), Alexandria ranks #2, Washington, DC is #3 and Arlington is #4. (Seattle is #1, FYI.)