Donation Supports Box Turtles

Donation Supports Box Turtles

Great Falls BSA Venturing Crew 364 presented a $250 check to the Fairfax County Park Authority on Dec. 11, providing a lifetime sponsorship of eastern box turtles at Riverbend Park. These turtles are used to educate children at the park and local Fairfax schools about wildlife and conservation. Their population in the wild has been declining in Northern Virginia. Presenting the check to Riverbend Park Naturalist Julie Gurnee is Natalie Gilbert, president of Venturing Crew 364. Joining in the presentation are: Camille Speer, the Crew's past president and adult advisors, Bill Canis and Gary Pan. Venturing is a youth development program of the Boy Scouts of America and provides opportunities for young men and women to participate in high adventure activities, serve their communities and become responsible and caring adults.