Obstructing Traffic on Walker Road

Obstructing Traffic on Walker Road

To the Editor:

The letter from Dudley Losselyong [“More on ‘Wrong Direction’,” Great Falls Connection, February 12-18, 2014] regarding the "unbelievable" narrowing of Walker Road suggests that the project is attributable to folks who want to "make Great Falls like the place they were moving away from" i.e. McLean, Reston, and Vienna. I think it's more like West Virginia and the abuse of tax dollars. When McLean, Reston, or Vienna installed sidewalks they shoveled them. The Great Falls Citizens Association did not provide for shoveling the sidewalks they proudly installed. The purpose is to obstruct traffic flow on Walker Road. The purpose of street parking on Walker Road is to obstruct pedestrian visibility. It's the same reason we have routine speed traps set up on Georgetown Pike and the convenient pass-through next to the fire department was eliminated. Obstruction without the approval of the residents.

Here are some photos of the unshoveled walkways that were installed in the past year. It's 60 degrees and raining today [Feb. 21], and the walkways are still obstructed with snow.

Gene Phillip

Great Falls