Games Workshop, 6810 Bland St, Springfield, offers The Hobbit game starter package, Dark Vengeance starter package, Warhammer starter package $110-$125.
“Boys end up gravitating to this stuff then looking at an outlet for the teenage angst,” said store manager David George. “The starter packages include everything you need -- figures to build, paint, rulebook -- to anywhere from here.”
Metro Run & Walk, 7261 Commerce St, Springfield, offers Garmin GPS watch $120-$200, utility “FlipBelt” $25, lightweight shell jackets from $100.
“A lot of people don’t make up their resolutions on January 1,” said owner Mark Russell. “I think the number one resolution is to become more active, health conscious and getting out on your feet is the perfect exercise for people. And with cold weather apparel, running for 12 months, you’re golden.”