Pass a Clean Budget

Pass a Clean Budget

To the Editor:

“Greetings Leverage. The Governor and 22 Senators use this degrading term to describe all public school teachers, sheriffs deputies, state agencies, and counties who depend on the funds included in a clean state budget. In short, you are hostages. The Governor, elected by a slim margin last November, a state Senator elected by a mere 12 votes, and another Senator who’s residence is in question all claim the right to rule as they see fit carefully ignoring the fact the two out of every three Virginians question the wisdom of implementing a demonstrated train wreck. This is balanced by the voice of the people represented in the House of Delegates. In a republic form of government, we are reminded of the old saying that the Senate exists to curb the passions of the House. In this case, the House is administering a dose of realism to the Governor and the Senate.

These 23 elected officials are engaged in a cynical exercise of political power. By not passing a clean budget and then sitting down to work out what is best for Virginia, they have chosen a confrontational, take no prisoners tactic. They do run a serious risk of taking the blame for the wreckage that will follow. First, the federal government promise of funds – all borrowed with our national credit rating balanced on a razor’s edge. Secondly, a tax increase – where will the money come from to meet the demands of the “poor”? Will you “the leverage” be required to accept less or will all Virginians be taken in by this redistribution of wealth scheme and accept a 10 percent or more tax increase?

We hear about the bragging of meeting the seven million hits on the Obamacare website. Anybody who knows even the basics of database management would suspect that the true number is more like 5 million actual sign-ups. The WAG of 400,000 Virginians need public assistance for their health care is more like 190,000 – a figure easily met by cleaning up the fraud in the existing Medicare system. Are our leverage practitioners willing to take these simple steps? NO. The want the Medicare camel’s nose under the tent. They can then expand it little by little.

The outside influence of George Soros and his fellow travelers have bought their influence into Virginia. In the November 2013 election, a San Francisco based- Green PAC spent millions on a daily negative mailing over three weeks to all of Reston and much of Virginia impacting on the election. Let’s get our heads into the game and just say Pass a Clean Budget and stop the games. Say No to Obamacare, Warnercare, Howellcare, and Plumcare. Let your elected representatives know your position with a call or an email.

Jack Kenny

Reston Republican