The Vienna Volunteer Fire Department’s antique fire truck was the subject of Vienna Arts Society artist-of-the-year Debi Elliott’s painting. Photo by Donna Manz.
More than 150 original pieces of art were juried by art specialist Jack Rasmussen for the Vienna Arts Society 44th Annual Treasury of Art Show and Sale that took place Nov. 22 through Nov. 24 at the Vienna Community Center.
Reston artist Ursula Nogic took 1st place with a complex self-portrait, an oil painting priced at $1,570. Second place, for Morning Sunrise, went to William Perrella of Vienna. Rasmussen said that Perrella "captured the beauty and danger of nature." Amy McShane’s landscape, Embrace, won 3rd place. Five pieces took honorable mention; VAS referred to them as "equal merit."
Pieces of work in the show ranged in price from $85 to almost $6,000, and in size from small to substantial. "Not Yet Beaten," a symbolic piece created by VAS artist-of-the-year Debi Elliott, was raffled off in honor of people fighting cancer and cancer survivors. The raffle funds will be donated to the cancer charity of the winner’s choice. Elliott donated a gift basket, as well, for raffling.
Publicity chair Dore’ Skidmore said Friday’s award reception drew a large crowd. The hundreds of paintings submitted to be juried came from artists who live throughout the metro-region, from Haymarket to Annapolis. Artists do not have to belong to the Vienna Arts Society to enter the Treasury of Art Show. The annual exhibition typically takes place close to the Thanksgiving holiday. Every piece in the show is available for sale.
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