Legion Installs New Officers

Legion Installs New Officers

Glassman to lead veterans organization.

— Vietnam veteran Jim Glassman was sworn in as the new Commander of American Legion Post 24 in Alexandria during a June 12 ceremony to install the organization's 2013-2014 slate of offices and board members.

“American Legion Post 24 has been helping the veterans of our community since 1920,” Glassman said. “We look forward to doing more to honor those who have and continue to serve our country.”

Glassman, who was named Virginia's Legionnaire of the Year, was sworn in by Dan Dellinger, the leading candidate for National Commander of the American Legion. Glassman takes over from past Commander Bill Aramony.

In addition to Glassman, newly elected officers include: Scott Allen, first vice commander; Jerome Schorr, second vice commander; Jesse Stevens, third vice commander; Adjunct Dick Evans; and finance officer Doug Gurka.

Held at the Legion's ballroom in Old Town, officers for the Sons of the American Legion and the Auxiliary Unit 24 also took the oath of office.

Frank Tobin will lead the SAL members, with Steve Artley as first vice commander, Alexandria Cupcake owner Adnan Hamidi as second vice commander, Burke and Herbert vice president Walter Clark as finance officer and Frank Felker as Adjutant.

Auxiliary officers include: Melissa Schermerhorn, president; Linda Cahill, treasurer; Amber Stevens, vice president; Autumn Lloyd, secretary; and Pamela Bartz, chaplain.

For more information on American Legion Post 24, visit www.VALegionPost24.org.