Arlington — “Flourishing After 55” from Arlington’s Office of Senior Adult Programs for July 8-12.
Arlington senior centers: Aurora Hills, 735 S. 18th St.; Walter Reed, 2909 S. 16th St.; Culpepper Garden, 4435 N. Pershing Dr.; Langston-Brown, 2121 N. Culpeper St.; Lee, 5722 Lee Hwy.; Arlington Mill at Fairlington, 3308 S. Stafford St.; also Madison Community Center, 3829 N. Stafford St.; TJ Community Center, 3501 S. 2nd St.
Senior trips: Serenity Tea Room, Frederick, Md., Wednesday, July 10, $61; Chez Andre French Restaurant, Bastille Day lunch, Alexandria, Friday, July 12, $38. Call Arlington County 55+ Travel, 703-228-4748. Registration required.
Introduction to acupuncture, Monday, July 8, 10 a.m., Aurora Hills. Free. Register, 703-228-5722
Guidelines to healthy eating, Monday, July 8, 1 p.m., Lee. Free. Register, 703-228-0555.
Registration open for Northern Virginia Senior Olympics, Sept. 7-19. $12 covers multiple events. Call for details, 703-228-4721.
Pickleball played Tuesday-Thursday-Friday, 11 a.m. -3 p.m., Walter Reed. Details, 703-228-0955.
Foot health lecture, Wednesday, July 10, 11 a.m., Langston-Brown. Free. Register, 703-228-6300.
Drop-in basketball for women 50+, Wednesday, July 10, 7 p.m., Langston-Brown. Details, 703-228-4771.
What to do when a loved one passes away, Wednesday, July 10, 1 p.m., Culpepper Garden. Free. Register, 703-228-4403.
Computer basics class begins Wednesday, July 10, 10 a.m., Aurora Hills Library. Space limited. Register, 703-228-5722.
File of Life program, provides medical info to firsts responders, Thursday, July 11, 11 a.m., Langston-Brown. Free. Register, 703-228-6300.
Healthy recipes using five ingredients or less, Thursday, July 11, 1 p.m., Walter Reed. Free. Register, 703-228-0955.
Cross stitch circle, Thursday, July 11, 11 a.m.-1 p.m., Lee. Kits provided. Free. Register, 703-228-0555.
Volleyball, co-ed, Thursdays, 1:30p.m., Langston-Brown. Free. Register, 703-228-6300.
Belly dancing class, Friday, July 12, 10 a.m., Lee. Great exercise. Free. Register, 703-228-0555.
Communicating with Alzheimer’s patients, Friday, July 12, 11 a.m., Culpepper Garden. Free. Register by July 10, 703-228-4403.
Computer instruction, Fridays, 10 a.m. – 1 p.m., Lee. Free. Register, 703-228-0555.