Week in Great Falls

Week in Great Falls

Starshine Theater to Present Summer Camp Production

Starshine Theater of Great Falls is enrolling student actors, singers and dancers, ages 6 through 19, for its 20th annual summer camp production. This July, the student cast presents the original musical drama, "The Dragons of Darkmoor: How Magic Came Into The World." Excellent roles for both boys and girls are still available. The show is accepting teen "actor-mentor" applicants for those entering seventh through 12th grade; these students assist younger cast members during rehearsals while enjoying a challenging character role in the show. The script has been designed to include a great dramatic character role for every participating student, plus singing and dance/action leads for those interested. A unique aspect about Starshine Theater's productions: During each rehearsal cycle, the students participate in a professional recording session and record their vocals onto the original musical score. A copy of the CD soundtrack is included in the student's workshop fee. The camp is a combination of work and fun, with outdoor sports and game activities during each rehearsal day. Starshine Theater Camp rehearses July 8-19 in Great Falls; the students will perform their play at The Great Falls Grange Theater on Saturday, July 20. Info: Pat Green Budwig, M.A., play director, 703-790-9050 or Pat@StarshineTheater.com.

Forestville Elementary Students Exhibit at Starbucks in Great Falls

Great Falls Studios (GFS) and Starbucks in Great Falls Center have teamed up with three local elementary schools to showcase student artwork. The exhibits are sponsored by Great Falls Studios, a membership organization of over 100 artists based in Great Falls.

GFS is working with art teachers at Great Falls, Forestville and Colvin Run Elementary schools to exhibit local children’s artwork. Starbucks has made its conference room wall space available for the rotating display, and GFS has donated the framing and is coordinating the installation of the artwork.

Forestville Elementary is the school whose work is currently on display. Stop in to see Renee Riddell’s art student’s paintings which include self-portraits, landscapes and still life pieces of students ages kindergarten through sixth grade. The art will be on display continuously from July through October of 2013. The families and friends of the artists will be invited to a reception in October of 2013.

Starbucks is located in the Great Falls Center at 9863 Georgetown Pike, Great Falls. For more information contact Kathy Owens by e-mail at NeedleworksbyKathy@yahoo.com.