Churchill Road students embodied the spirit of the holidays through a variety of service learning projects. Kindergarten students filled the gift bags they decorated with books, school supplies and treats to give to kindergarteners at their buddy school, Dogwood Elementary. Second graders also made gift bags for their buddy classes at Dogwood Elementary and filled them with the colorful fleece scarves they made themselves. Sixth grade students made holiday cards for veterans to be distributed to the Wounded Warrior project, an undertaking that hit home for the students. For sixth grader Hope Ollivant in Megan Roman’s class, "Making the cards was fun, because my dad was in the Army. It’s nice to know that they’re [soldiers] doing something nice for us and we can do something nice for them too." Classmate Genevieve Bourgeois said, "When I made the cards, I know they [the soldiers] won’t just have a family to come home to, but thank you cards as well."