The Northern Virginia Regional MATHCOUNTS competitions were held on Saturday, Feb. 2, at Lake Braddock Secondary School in Burke and at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office in Alexandria. This year, because of the exceptionally large number of students participating, the Regional competition had to be split between two venues. The one held at Lake Braddock was a combined competition for VSPE’s Fairfax and George Washington Chapter Areas while the Northern VA Chapter Area was conducted in collaboration with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office at their facility in Alexandria.
Over 450 sixth through eighth grade students from 52 elementary and middle schools competed at the events. These students have been practicing since the fall and were selected to represent their respective schools at the competitions. Students compete as school teams and as individuals.
The winning teams:
- Fairfax Chapter (26 schools competing)
First place: Rocky Run Middle School; Coach: Melanie Roller; Students: Joshua Lee, William Li, Sydney Zheng, & Daniel Lee
Second place: Nysmith School; Coach: JoMarie Broccoli; Students: Akshaj Kadaveru, Shaan, Bhandarkar, Aaditya Singh, & Shwtark Patel
Third place: Rachel Carson Middle School, Coach: Angie Cahill, Students: Lillian Wang, Ju Yeon Lee, Lawrence Wang, & David Liu
- George Washington Chapter (eight schools competing)
First place: Mark Twain Middle School; Coach: Rachel Moneypenny; Students: Caulton Wilson, Zachary Hayden, Peter Zhao, & Arnav Gupta
Second place: South County Middle School; Coach: Gina Evans; Students: Timothy Arndt, John Wilkie, Sarah Trans, & Michael Brockway
Third place: Carl Sandburg Middle School; Coach: Bob Scherer; Students: Emma Cuddy, Christopher Letai, Robby Scherer, & Olivia Scheidt
- Northern Virginia Chapter (18 schools competing)
First place: Longfellow Middle School; Coach: Mary Jo Clark; Students: Franklyn Wang, Scott Becker, Alex Sun, & William Sun
Second place: Williamsburg Middle School; Coach: Kathy Noble; Students: Max Judish, Hannah Collins, Justin Lasker, & Leo Desruelle
Third place: Swanson Middle School; Coach: Laura Partridge; Students: William Xu, Ian Kelley, Sarkis Ter Martirosyan, & Eric Weiner
The top scoring individuals in each chapter:
- Fairfax Chapter
First place: Pradyuta Padmanabhan, Edlin School
Second place: Akshaj Kadaveru, Nysmith School
Third place: Joshua Lee, Rocky Run Middle School
Fourth place: Shaan Bhandarkar, Nysmith School
- George Washington Chapter
First place: Hanhsen Zhao, Mark Twain Middle School
Second place: Michaell Caballero, Queen of Apostles Catholic School
Third place: Timothy Arndt, South County Middle School
Fourth place: Emily Shin, St. Bernadette School
- Northern Virginia Chapter
First place: Franklyn Wang, Longfellow Middle School
Second place: Scott Becker, Longfellow Middle School
Third place: Haoyuan Sun, Longfellow Middle School
Fourth place: Alex Sun, Longfellow Middle School
The winning team and top two individuals who are not on the winning team from each chapter will compete at the Virginia State MATHCOUNTS competition to be held on March 16, 2013 at the Dominion Power facility in Glen Allen, Va.
Additional information on MATHCOUNTS is available at