Santa Claus arrived to cheer at the Vienna Volunteer Fire Department’s breakfast with Santa. He listened to children share their Christmas lists and sat for photos with them. Photo by Donna Manz.
Vienna’s traditions shine during holidays and, in December, it shines an awful lot. Traditional activities and events abound, from the Church Street Stroll to Santa visits.
Every year, Santa takes time out of his busy toy-making schedule to stop by the Vienna Volunteer Fire Department’s pancake breakfast. He turned up there again on Dec. 14 to the cheers of young children. He listened to wish-lists and sat for photos and seemed to know the names of many of the children and their parents. Parents rushed to take photographs.
A part of the seasonal breakfast is a game hosted by VVFD member Bob Zillian. Adults do not fare well when playing this game, but, kids always win. They get to pick out a stuffed toy from the hundreds on display.
Proceeds from VVFD’s fundraisers go toward the support of the volunteer fire department in Vienna. Even fundraiser pancake breakfast "prices" are in the form of a suggested donation. Breakfast included pancakes (and syrup), bacon and sausage, and soft drinks. There was even a bake sale sponsored by the Auxiliary to finish off the meal.
As tasty as the food was, it was Santa who took center-stage.
To learn more about the events presented by the Vienna Volunteer Fire Department, go to New this year is a Santa tracker for the department’s annual one-week Santa Run throughout Vienna.