Friday/Aug. 9
Centreville — Shabbat Service. 7:30 p.m. at Temple Beth Torah, 4212 C-Technology Court, Chantilly. The service will be held in the new building. All community members are welcome. Call 703-217-8938 or visit
Friday/Aug. 23
New Member Shabbat Service. 7:30 p.m. at Temple Beth Torah, 4212 C-Technology Court, Chantilly. The service will be held in the new building. All community members are welcome to attend. Call 703-217-8938 or visit
Saturday/Aug. 24
Pre-school Open House. Happy Faces Daycare, 13923 Braddock Road. The event will include moon bounces, snow-cones, and balloon animals. Children can enjoy the events while parents are taken on a tour. All parents who register after the event will recieve two free weeks enrollment. Visit or call 703-830-1200.
Thursday/Sept. 5
Board of Directors Meeting. 7:30 p.m. at Centreville Regional Library, 14200 St. Germain Drive. The Southwestern Youth Association will be holding their annual meeting. The SYA executive board positions are for one year terms. Nominations are now being accepted. This meeting is open to the community. Call 703-815-3362 or contact the SYA office at
Sept. 14
Blood Drive. 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. at St. Timothy Catholic Church, 13809 Poplar Tree Road. Donors are encouraged to give all summer long, but especially near key summer holidays when donations decline. From May, 23 to Sept. 9, donors, recipients and blood drive coordinators will be asked to share their inspirational videos and personal messages about how their lives have been touched. Visit or call 1-800-733-2767.
School Openings
The Clifton Presbyterian Church Preschool has openings in all classes for the fall. Schedules and classes have been adjusted for greater flexibility to meet the changing needs of the area. Visit or call Gretchen at 703-830-3175.
Pleasant Valley Preschool, 4615 Stringfellow Road in Chantilly is now accepting registrations for the 2013-14 school year. The goal is to provide a learning environment that promotes social development and a nurturing preschool education. Visit or call 703-378-6911.
Volunteers Needed
Northern Virginia Family Service is seeking volunteers to organize collection drives of toiletries products for clients in need. Requested items include such things as shampoo, soap, lotion, deodorant, hand sanitizer, toothbrushes and toothpaste. Learn more about Northrn Virginia Family Service at and contact Colleen Ross if interested.
The Stuart-Mosby Civil War Cavalry Museum needs volunteers to work on Sundays at 13938 Braddock Road, Centreville. The museum is open from 1-4 p.m. on Sundays, when volunteer help is needed the most. Civil War buffs who want something worthwhile to do on Sundays are perfect candidates. Generally at least two volunteers are on duty for each day of coverage at the museum.
The museum is also open on Saturdays from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. and Mondays from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Call 703-785-5294 or visit
Respite Care Volunteers. Give a family caregiver of a frail, older adult a break so they can go shopping, attend a doctor's appointment or have coffee with a friend. Volunteers visit and oversee the safety of the older adult for a few hours each month. Volunteers are matched with families in or near their own neighborhoods in Fairfax County. Support and training is provided. Contact Kristin Martin at 703-324-7577, TTY 711, or Visit
Advocates. The Northern Virginia Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program needs volunteer advocates for residents in assisted living and nursing facilities throughout the area. Training is provided. Call 703-324-5861, TTY 711 or email Visit
ESL Class registration opens Sept. 12 at 7 p.m. Registration fee is $15 and the textbook $25. Class meets every Tuesday and Thursday from 7-9 p.m. starting Sept. 17. Classes can be taken in basic, intermediate, and advanced levels. Visit or call 703-323-9500.
The Women's Club is offering the women of the Chantilly community and surrounding areas a variety of health/wellness screenings this month to assess various aspects of your health and well being. Doors are open all day long so visitors can get their blood flowing and heart pumping with a group exercise class. Everything is free. Call 703-817-0700.
Senior Fall Prevention Classes. Tuesdays and Thursdays 1:30-2:30 p.m. at the Woodlands Retirement Community, 4320 Forest Hill Drive. Classes in the heated indoor pool help seniors work on balance and strengthen core muscles so as to avoid injury. Registration required. $10. Call 703-667-9800.
Temple Beth Torah offers the Northern Virginia Jewish community services that provide spiritual, educational, support and social opportunities including religious school for member children age 3 through Bar/Bat Mitzvah and confirmation. Our congregation welcomes all members of the community to attend any of our services or events. For more information, a newsletter, or a membership package call Jennifer Harding 703-217-8938 or visit
Clifton Day 2013. Vendor applications are online at Barbara Hutto is the chairperson. E-mail to volunteer. Clifton Day 2013 is Oct. 13.
Senior Fall Prevention Classes. Mondays (2 p.m.), Tuesdays and Thursdays (1:30 p.m.), Fridays (11 a.m.) in a heated indoor pool and are designed to work on balance and core muscles in order to prevent injuries and falls. At The Woodlands Retirement Community, 4320 Forest Hill Drive. Registrations required. Call 703-667-9800 to register. Free trial first class then register on site. $10 per class.
Centreville Garden Club Meeting. 7 p.m. every third Monday at Sully Government Center, 4900 Stonecroft Blvd., Chantilly. Learn more at or e-mail: Visitors welcome. Phone 703-830-2942.
The John Witt Chapter of the Colonial Dames of the 17th Century is accepting new members. Colonial Dames is a patriotic, genealogical and heraldic society for women of lineal descendants of an ancestor who lived and served prior to 1701 in one of the original colonies in the geographical area of the present United States. The chapter meets four times a year usually in January, May, September and November. For more information contact
Senior Fall Prevention Classes are held in a heated indoor pool and are designed to work on balance and core muscles in order to prevent injuries and falls. Classes are held Mondays from 2-3pm, Tuesdays and/or Thursdays from 1:30-2:30 p.m, and Fridays from 11-11:45 a. at The Woodlands Retirement Community, 4320 Forest Hill Drive, Fairfax. Registration required. Call 703-667-9800 to register as space is limited. Cost is $10 per class.
NAMI Northern Virginia Connections is a free education and support program for individuals living with mental illness at the Chantilly Library 4000 Stringfellow Road Chantilly, every Tuesday from noon to 1:30 p.m. in the conference room. Visit for more.
ReStore Donations. The main goal of the ReStore (4262 Entre Court, Chantilly) is to fund Habitat for Humanity in the mission of building simple, decent, and affordable housing for low-income partner families. Donations are accepted and can be made by individuals as well as companies. To donate, call 703-360-6700 or visit Regular store hours are 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. from Tuesday to Friday; 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday. The store is open for donation drop offs and previous purchased pickups only Monday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m..
The Chantilly Academy Auto Technology and Auto Collision Repair classes are looking for used cars as donations to the program. Contact Ann Booker at 703-227-3041 or Kenny Brown at 703-222-7466.
Northern Virginia Neighbors Club. A non-profit organization offering an opportunity to meet new friends. Activities include book clubs, card games, crafts, fitness, gardening, mah jong, needleworks, rummoli, theater and more. Meet members at one of the monthly luncheons, coffees or mixers. Email
The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Northern Virginia Connections groups are free, bi-weekly recovery support groups for adults living with mental illness. Second and fourth Tuesdays 12-1:30 p.m. Chantilly Library, 4000 Stringfellow Road. Contact Janette at 703-631-2410 or
Fair Oaks Parkinson Support Group for people living with Parkinson’s disease, caregivers and family, meets on the fourth Saturday monthly, from 10 a.m.-noon at Sunrise at Fair Oaks, 3750 Joseph Siewick Drive, Fairfax. Free. 703-378-7221.
Parkinson Aquatic Exercise Classes for people living with Parkinson’s disease and caregivers meets 10:30-11:30 a.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays, The Woodlands, 4320 Forest Hill Dr. People living with Parkinson’s $10, caregivers $5. Registration required. Sonia Gow 703-378-7221.
DAR. Membership in the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) honors and preserves the legacy of one’s Patriot ancestor. Any woman is eligible for membership who is no less than 18 years of age and can prove lineal, blood-line descent from an ancestor who aided in achieving American independence. Admission to membership is by invitation through a Chapter. Contact
Visit the TASC Toastmasters Club and learn how membership can help one succeed. Improve communication skills. Be more effective in meetings. Get a point across more concisely. Meets Wednesday afternoons from 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. at the Northrop Grumman Building, Conference Center Drive, Chantilly. Contact Adim Okwudishu at 410-227-0177 or email Visit
Donate used bikes to make a difference in someone’s life. Bikes For The World works with partner charities in developing countries who train and hire local people to recondition bikes and distribute them to individuals in need of affordable transportation. A $10 donation along with your donated bike covers shipping and handling, and your donation will reduce landfill waste. Contact Senthil at or visit 703-740-7856
The League of Women Voters of the Fairfax Area, a non partisan organization that is concerned with election processes, voter participation and civic engagement, is welcoming new members. All women and men interested in civic affairs are invited to join the group. Visit or call 703-658-9152.