Nelly’s Needlers Carry on Tradition at Woodlawn

Nelly’s Needlers Carry on Tradition at Woodlawn

Nelly’s Needlers once again opened the tea room at Woodlawn Plantation for lunch during the annual needlework show last month. Hostesses directed visitors to open tables and took orders. The barmaid served of goblets of ice water and assorted beverages as desserts were prepared, quiche and rolls were heated, salads and sandwiches prepare and dishes rinsed and washed. All proceeds from the tea room lunch benefits programs and activities at Woodlawn.

Nelly’s Needlers are working on a new cookbook. The cookbook should be printed later this year and available in the gift shop.


Kay McQuie volunteered as cashier on Friday afternoon.


Kitchen manager Mimi Barnaby prepares a Woodlawn salad.


The Woodlawn salad is ready to be served.


Frances Vass waits to pick up a table order.


Jackie Eisenhardt mixes up more greens for the luncheon plates.


Christopher D’Angelo rinses the luncheon dishes before adding them to the dishwasher.


Betty Nilson pours out water and beverages for the diners in the tearoom.