GOP Women of Lorton Host Former Congressman

GOP Women of Lorton Host Former Congressman


Artur Davis, former Alabama Democratic Congressman and now a Virginia Republican.

Artur Davis addressed a Republican Women of Clifton (RWC) gathering at the home of one of its members in Lorton. The former Congressman from Alabama explained why he left the Democratic Party and joined the GOP. Davis said that the Democratic Party of today is nothing like the one he became part of many years ago. Instead, it has become a group that promotes big government involvement in all areas of our lives. He sees that the Republicans’ support for a limited government and freedom is the correct path, therefore giving his support to GOP candidates in this election.

The RWC’s charter is to support local GOP candidates, and the club is backing retired Col. Chris Perkins for Congress in District 11 and Congressman Frank Wolf for re-election in District 10.