Cava Chef grills lamb chops Photo by Susan Belford.
Potomac — Neither rain, nor sleet, nor high winds, nor power outages could stop the “Taste of Potomac” from the mission at hand — throwing a grand event to raise funds for Adoptions Together. The evening went on as planned at the Potomac estate of Judy and Stuart Sebring. The storm passed and the well-attended fund-raiser was an overwhelming success.
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‘Taste of Potomac’ Benefits Adoptions Together
Neither rain, nor sleet, nor high winds, nor power outages could stop the “Taste of Potomac” from the mission at hand — throwing a grand event to raise funds for Adoptions Together.
Click Photo for Flash“It is just amazing how it all came together even with the elements of the weather,” said Rona Heymann. “The volunteers have put forth a tremendous effort and worked 110 percent this past week. I’m just thankful that the storm is over and the power came back on just in time.”
Barbara Harrison, anchor, NBC-4 and Renette Oklewicz, director of foundation programs at Freddie Mac were honored for their outstanding and lifelong commitment to the children who are served by Adoptions Together. The highlight of the evening was the moment when Janice Goldwater, founder of Adoptions Together introduced Russ, a child who was featured on Wednesday’s Child a few years ago — with the family who adopted him. “My how you’ve grown,” said Harrison. “When we first met, you had been in four or five different foster homes and were really hoping to find a loving family. I was so impressed with you when I first met you — and now I am so pleased to see you again and meet your family. This is what Adoptions Together and Wednesday’s Child hopes and prays will happen with every child we work with.”
Twenty-two years ago, Goldwater founded Adoptions Together. Since that time, the agency has placed more than 3,000 children with forever families. “Every child deserves a Forever Family,” said Goldwater. “Our most important relationship in life is our family and every child has a right and a need to be part of a family.”
Twenty-seven Potomac restaurants supported the Taste of Potomac by donating plates of gourmet items from their menus as well as desserts. Guests dined on lamb chops from Cava, lobster guacamole from Stella’s, short ribs from Old Angler’s Inn, Mussels a la Hunter from the Hunter’s Inn, Jambalaya from River Falls Tavern — and many more dishes.
The crowd bid on a dream cruise, an autographed John Wall Wizards jersey and basketball, a Cava Mezze dinner in their home and fishing overnight in Easton. The silent auction featured dining and travel opportunities (including Paris, Costa Rica, Aruba and Belize) as well as sports and theater tickets, golf outings and gift baskets.
The evening was attended by more than 400 guests who supported the mission of Adoptions Together in their quest to find permanent loving families for children in foster care.