Potomac — Corrieanne Stein has already performed for a year in the original production of the Broadway play, ”Billy Elliott the Musical,” acted in the world premiere of “Saving Aimee” at the Signature Theatre and is currently rehearsing for the regional premiere of “Over the Tavern” at Olney Theater Center.
She is 16 years old.
The blue-eyed, strawberry blonde first became interested in acting when she auditioned as a 9 year old for the part of Annie at the F. Scott Fitzgerald Theater in Rockville. “My older sister Claire pushed me to try out. She was my role model, because she performed in all the school plays. My mom was a professional dancer and my dad was a professional musician, so I guess it’s in the genes,” said Corrieanne, the daughter of Sharon and Dan Stein of Rockville.
Corrieanne was awarded the part — and discovered that she loved performing. She is a director’s dream since she is skilled at acting, singing and dancing. Her mom, Sharon Stein said, “Corrieanne sang before she talked.” She has been studying dance with Dawn Crafton since she was 3 years old, trains in singing at the Peabody Conservatory in Baltimore, takes piano at the International School of Music and has participated in many acting workshops as well as studied acting privately. She also helped her Theater teacher, Jessica Speck last year with her summer drama camp.
Her mom said, “We thought she was just interested in acting, but every time she auditioned, the directors told her dad and me, ‘She is really good. You need to get her an agent because she will go far.’ We hired Linda Townsend Management and when she was in 6th grade, she was called to audition for the original cast of Broadway’s ‘Billy Elliott the Musical.’
“I tell everyone ‘Be careful what you wish for.’ She auditioned and got the part — so she and I relocated very quickly to Manhattan so she could start rehearsals. I decided to home school her, because she had to spend so much time rehearsing. Then we had to find a place to live and figure out all the logistics. My husband was so thrilled that Corrieanne would have such an opportunity — we never could have made it work without his support.”
“I absolutely loved performing on Broadway,” said Corrieanne. “It was the dream of a lifetime. Three-hundred and thirty performances was a pretty grueling schedule, yet it was exciting and fun. I know for certain that I want to continue acting and make it my career.” While in the play, she met Elton John, Debbie Reynolds, Elaine Stitch, Robert DeNiro and Tyra Banks. After graduation, she wants to enter a music conservatory and major in voice performance. Her dream role is to play Mama Rose in “Gypsy.”
When she is not acting or rehearsing, she is a junior at Thomas Wootton High School where she in an honor roll student taking AP and Honors classes. She is also in Chamber Choir and Musical Theater classes. She also performs yearly in Wootton Drama productions. Last year she played Annie Sullivan in “The Miracle Worker” and, according to ‘Common Sense,’ “Stein put on a powerful performance, not only emotionally but visually.” As Glinda in “Wizard of Oz,” DC Metro Arts said that she was a “standout performer … was beautifully serene … an aura of both mystery and approachability.”
Another role that she enjoyed was performing a voice- over for the video game “Fallout 3” (GDCA Game of the Year.) She played Betty (a tough talking little girl ... [is] brutal, funny and brilliantly weird and a welcome shift in the games storyline) according to “AOL Games.” She has also made appearances at the Kennedy Center, the Gershwin Theater and the Minskoff Theater in New York City.
Now she is in rehearsals from 3 – 10 p.m. five days a week for the regional premier of “Over the Tavern” at the Olney Theater Center. The play is a heartwarming family comedy about a precocious 12-year-old boy who questions family values — and the Roman Catholic Church. The play will run through Oct. 21. Tickets can be purchased at www.olneytheatre.org.