Centreville — When Nikki Ferraro was a Chantilly High School junior in April 2010, she was diagnosed with thyroid cancer. But while undergoing treatment, she gathered about 30 friends and organized a Relay for Life team.
She called it “Bite Me Cancer” and designed motivational T-shirts and bracelets bearing that name. Sales of those items, plus donations and pledges for their participation in the Relay raised $20,000 for the American Cancer Society.
Later, Nikki encouraged her parents to form her nonprofit Bite Me Cancer Foundation, www.bitemecancer.org, to raise awareness and research funds for thyroid cancer and to support teens with all cancers. The mission of Bite Me Cancer is to fight cancer through research, education and inspiration.
Thyroid cancer is growing faster than any other cancer in the U.S.; more than 50,000 people will be diagnosed with it in 2012. So now, Paisano’s Pizza has joined Bite Me Cancer’s efforts; and together, they hope to raise $50,000 to fund research to fight this disease.
From now until Nov. 13, Paisano’s will donate $2 to Bite Me Cancer from every large pizza sold. For the locations of Paisano’s in the local community, go to www.paisanospizza.com.
“Nikki Ferraro is a truly inspiring person supporting a great cause,” said Fouad Qreitem, the owner of Paisano’s Franchise System Inc. “Paisano’s Pizza is pleased to be serving this cause and is hoping the community will rally around this fundraiser. We hope to help raise money for Bite Me Cancer and assist in its mission of fighting cancer through research, education and inspiration.”