VP Erin Anderson, PRWClub, Marine Sgt. Kenneth Lyon, Ret., McLean businessman Tim Donner, State Del. Barbara Comstock (R-34). Photo Contributed
Wounded warrior Sgt. Kenneth Lyon, Ret., 27, was an honored guest at the Patriot Republican Women’s Club brunch event to commemorate the 11th Anniversary of Sept. 11.
Also in attendance at this McLean event were Lt. Gen. Jack Klimp Ret., U.S. Marine Corps—president of the National Assoc. of Uniformed Services; State Delegate Barbara Comstock (R-34); and Army Col. Patrick Murray, Ret., candidate for Virginia’s 8th Congressional District.
Sgt. Lyon spoke of losing his leg in Iraq in 2006, of sustaining serious jaw, hand and head injuries, and his long road in treatment with many surgeries and outpatient services at Walter Reed Army Medical Center.
Along the way, he recovered his engaging sense of humor and positive zest for life. He recently attended the Republican National Convention in Tampa with Patriot Club member and Convention Delegate Erin Anderson from Arlington. Lyon said that as an active serviceman he was not allowed to have a “political opinion” but, now, he most definitely can say that he supports Gov. Mitt Romney for President, and will be voting for him because of his strong support for national defense.