Week in Vienna

Week in Vienna

Authorization Needed for Water, Sewer Services

Effective Oct. 1, 2012, landlords must provide advance written authorization for a renter to receive water and sewer services from the Town of Vienna by completing a Landlord Authorization Form, available online at www.viennava.gov/index.aspx?nid=254. When signing up for water and sewer services, renters must provide a signed copy of the Landlord Authorization Form, a Customer Agreement Form and pay a lien offset payment of $225.

The lien offset payment of $225 applies to renters of both residential and commercial properties. Property owners (both residential and commercial) will continue to pay a meter deposit based on meter size to establish new service.

Landlords can opt to keep the account in their name and instead pay the meter deposit associated with the account. The lien offset payment can be waived for tenants receiving state, local or federal rental assistance. Landlords must provide documentation of assistance for the lien offset payment to be waived.

For more information, contact Water and Sewer Customer Service at 703-255-6385 or water@veinnava.gov.

Town Offers Direct Payment for Water Customers

Town of Vienna Water and Sewer customers can have their quarterly water and sewer bill automatically deducted from their checking or savings account through the Town’s Direct Bill Payment service.

Customers who participate in the Direct Bill Payment service will no longer have to mail in their payment, pay in person or remember to pay their bill each quarter online. A simple one-time enrollment will set up the payment schedule and each quarter, the payment will automatically be deducted from the specified bank account.

To enroll, Town of Vienna water and sewer customers can print and complete the form available online at www.viennava.gov/index.aspx?nid=254 and mail it to Water and Sewer Customer Service, 127 Center Street S, Vienna, VA 22180, or drop it off at Town Hall, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Once enrolled, cancellation must be made in writing 15 days in advance of the bill date. Direct Bill Payment service will be cancelled for customers if a payment is denied for insufficient funds.

For more information, contact Water and Sewer Customer Service at 703-255-6385 or water@viennava.gov.

Improved Sight Line on W&OD Trail

In an effort to increase visibility and safety, the Northern Virginia Park Authority cleared and trimmed vegetation at the intersection of Park Street and the W&OD Trail. As a result, trail users are better able to see oncoming traffic and drivers are able to see cyclists, pedestrians and other trail users approaching the intersection much earlier.

The Vienna Parks and Recreation Department will coordinate with NVRPA to help maintain the area as needed in order to retain the improved sight line.

Halloween Movie Showing in Glyndon Park

Hallow Screen! Movie in the Park will feature Tim Burton’s “Corpse Bride,” a PG-rated family Halloween movie, on Friday, Oct. 12, at 8 p.m. in Glyndon Park, 300 Glyndon Street NE. Admission is free. Don’t forget your lawn chairs and blankets.

There is no rain date; call 703-255-7842 for weather information on the day of the show. Parents and family members are required to stay with their children.

For more information, call Vienna Parks and Recreation Department at 703-255-6360.

Town Offices to Observe Columbus Day

Town of Vienna offices will be closed on Monday, Oct. 8, in observance of the Columbus Day holiday. The Vienna Community Center will be open from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. and no classes will be held. Refuse collection will operate as normal on Monday, Oct. 8.

Used Clothing Drive for Homeless Teens

The Vienna Saturday Farmers Market located in the caboose parking lot on Church Street NE is hosting a used clothing drive for the homeless teens of Shelter House on Oct. 13, 20, 27 between the hours of 8 a.m. to noon. Shoppers are invited to bring new or gently used clothing down to the market. Gloves, hats, coats, sweaters, pants, athletic wear, etc. are needed. Cash donations kindly accepted. For questions email manager@viennafarmersmarket.com or visit FacebookVienna-Farmers-Market.

Flowers Bulbs at Farmers Market

The Ayr Hill Garden Club will be selling flower bulbs at the Vienna Farmers Market in the Caboose lot on Church Street from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. on three Saturdays this month, Oct. 13, 20 and 27. The variety of bulbs continues to expand based on members' gardening experience in this area. The organization has been conducting this sale as a fundraiser for a number of years, with the proceeds helping to maintain the W&O bike trail garden in the center of Vienna and four other gardens in the community.