Centreville — Making False Report Charged
City of Fairfax police have charged a 27-year-old Centreville woman with making a false police report regarding a robbery and assault. She is Jennifer Christian Tate of Skylemar Trail. Police say that, on April 16, she reported that — after withdrawing money from the Wells Fargo Bank branch at 10501 Main St. — a man allegedly grabbed her, ripped open her shirt and snatched the money envelope from her hand before fleeing on foot.
However, according to police, a thorough investigation by the Criminal Investigations Division revealed that she was neither robbed nor assaulted, she hadn’t been in that bank and she didn’t have an account there. Last Wednesday, May 23, Tate was taken into custody by Fairfax County police and charged with making a false report to a law-enforcement officer. She was later released from the Adult Detention Center on $2,500 bond.
“We actively encourage citizens to report any circumstances in which a crime may have been committed,” said Police Chief Richard J. Rappoport. “We investigate all such reports thoroughly. However, when we find that an individual has knowingly provided us with false information, we will seek prosecution. We believe prosecution of false reports is important to protect the credibility of real victims — especially women who have been sexually assaulted and are making accurate reports of criminal incidents.”
Free Carseat Inspections
Certified technicians from the Sully District Police Station will perform free, child safety carseat inspections Thursday, May 31, from 5-8:30 p.m., at the station, 4900 Stonecroft Blvd. in Chantilly. No appointment is necessary. But residents should install the child safety seats themselves so technicians may properly inspect and adjust them, as needed.
However, because of time constraints, only the first 35 vehicles arriving on each date will be inspected. That way, inspectors may have enough time to properly instruct the caregiver on the correct use of the child seat. Call 703-814-7000, ext. 5140, to confirm dates and times.
CPMSAC Awards June 2
The Chantilly Pyramid Minority Student Achievement Committee will hold its annual awards ceremony for middle- and high-school students on Saturday, June 2, at 5 p.m., at Chantilly High.
Church Plans to Add Students
Centreville Presbyterian Church has submitted a Special Permit Amendment (SPA) application to Fairfax County for its property at 15450 Lee Hwy. in Centreville. Currently, this site contains the church and a small private school of general education for up to 99 students in grades 5-12.
The church now wants to increase the school’s enrollment to 150 students and add grades K through 4. There will be no construction or physical changes to the property. The matter goes before the county Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) for a public hearing on Wednesday, June 6.
Walney Road Bridge Meeting
VDOT plans to replace the Walney Road Bridge over Flatlick Branch, and it’s holding an informational meeting about the project. It’s set for Thursday, June 7, from 5-8 p.m. – with a brief presentation at 6 p.m. – at the Sully District Governmental Center, 4900 Stonecroft Blvd. in Chantilly. VDOT staff will be there to answer questions.
Review project information at www.virginiadot.org, at the meeting or during business hours at VDOT’s Northern Virginia District Office at 4975 Alliance Drive in Fairfax. Please call ahead at 703-259-1940, 800-367-7623 or TTY/TDD 711 to ensure appropriate personnel are available.
Written comments may be submitted by June 17 to Nicholas Roper, P.E., Virginia Department of Transportation, 4975 Alliance Drive, Fairfax, VA 22030, or e-mailed to meeting_comments@VDOT.virginia.gov. Reference “Walney Road Bridge” in the subject line.
Women’s Self-Defense Course
A free, two-day, self-defense course for women of all ages will be held Tuesday, June 12, and Thursday, June 14, from 6-9 p.m., at the Fairfax County Criminal Justice Academy, 14601 Lee Road in Chantilly. It’s sponsored by the Fairfax County Police Department, the Fairfax Police Law Enforcement Foundation and C & J Security Corp.
This comprehensive safety course is taught by trained experts with years of experience and will help prepare women to fend off attackers. They’ll learn risk awareness and reduction, crime-prevention strategies and defensive concepts, while receiving hands-on training in defensive tactics.
Women will test their newly-learned skills in realistic, controlled environments and will experience what it’s like to be suddenly grabbed in a stairwell, a parking lot or an elevator. The course is open to women 13 years and older; however mothers (or female guardians) must attend with their teens. Men are not allowed to attend. For more information or to register, e-mail wsd@fairfaxfoundation.org or call 703-246-7806. Seating is limited.
Meals on Wheels Volunteers
Fairfax County needs Meals on Wheels drivers in Chantilly and group Meals on Wheels coordinators in both Chantilly and Fairfax. Contact Volunteer Solutions at 703-324-5406, TTY 711, VolunteerSolutions@fairfaxcounty.gov or visit www.fairfaxcounty.gov/dfs/olderadultservices/volunteer-solutions.htm.
WFCM Seeks Food, Volunteers
Western Fairfax Christian Ministries’ (WFCM) food pantry urgently needs donations of oil (48 oz. or smaller); flour (2-5 lb. bag); sugar (2-5 lb. bag); rice (2 lb. bags); canned meats; salad dressing, jelly; jam; spaghetti sauce, Ramen Noodles, canned fruit; canned beets, spinach, greens, and mixed vegetables; canned garbanzo, lima, butter and northern beans; pancake mix and syrup; hot cereal and coffee. Also needed are laundry detergent, toothpaste, shampoo, toilet paper and baby wipes. WFCM clients are also in great need of gasoline cards.
Bring all items to WFCM’S food pantry at 13981 Metrotech Drive (near Backyard Grill and Bar) in Chantilly. Volunteers are also needed:
Thrift store: Volunteers needed Mondays and Fridays, for two or three hours between 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Volunteers needed Tuesdays and Thursdays, for two or three hours between 1-6 p.m., as well as Saturdays, from 2-5 p.m. For more information, contact Volunteer Manager Annette Bosley at 703-988-9656.
Food pantry: Volunteers are needed Mondays and Wednesdays, from 11 a.m.-2:30 p.m.
Furniture ministry: One person is needed to help move furniture that will be given to clients in need.