Clifton — The Town of Clifton’s 15th annual Clifton Caboose Twilight Run raised an estimated $10,000. It was held Saturday, May 12, and 581 people participated — 474 in the 5K and 107 in the 1-mile fun run/walk. Said Race Chairman Gary Anderson: “We had a great race this year with a strong turnout.”
Clifton’s Frank Spicer won the 5K in a time of 17:56, and Fairfax resident Michael Gugino came in first in the 1-mile fun run/walk in 6:27. Christina Pantzer of Vienna was the first female finisher in the 1-mile, with a time of 7:52. And Juliana Cuomo of Clifton was the fastest female in the 5K, crossing the tape in 21:20.
Clifton’s Tina Green took home the Caboose Award as the last-place finisher in the 5K. The complete results are online and may be viewed at
The race is sponsored by the Clifton Betterment Association (CBA), and this year’s proceeds will go toward rewiring the town barn with electricity.