Centreville Police Bringing Summer HEAT
Fairfax County police are putting the heat on aggressive drivers. Since the traffic-safety, summer HEAT (Help Eliminate Aggressive Traffic) program began June 15, officers have issued more than 2,000 summonses for unsafe, aggressive-driving behaviors. These include failure to pay full time and attention, texting while driving, having a television visible to a driver and wearing earphones while driving.
Specifically, 284 citations were issued for improper passing, lane changes, U-turns or turns at intersections. Some 370 drivers were ticketed for driving on a revoked or suspended driver’s license. In addition, 71 citations were issued to pedestrians. And more than 550 citations were given for child-restraint or seatbelt violations.
Hundreds of other motorists were ticketed for driving through and over safety zones, following too closely and signaling violations. The safety effort will continue through August. Police urge motorists to slow down, drive courteously and be patient with fellow drivers throughout the summertime heat.
“Aggressive driving leads to crashes, causing more traffic congestion, delays and even hotter tempers,” said Capt. Susan Culin, commander of the Traffic Division. “We’re hoping this safety effort will help encourage everyone to slow down, pay attention and cool off a bit.”
Recycle During Electric Sunday
http://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/dpwes/publications/recycling/event-electric-2010.pdf Residents may recycle old TVs, computers, peripheral electronic devices – such as keyboards, speakers, printers and scanners, as well as household hazardous wastes — including fluorescent light bulbs and tubes, for free, during Fairfax County’s “Electric Sunday” events. The next one is slated for Sunday, July 22, from 10 a.m.-3 p.m., at the I-66 Transfer Station, 4618 West Ox Road in Fairfax. For more information, call 703-324-5052.
Sully District Council Meeting
The Sully District Council of Citizens Associations and its Land-Use Committee will meet Wednesday, July 25, at 7 p.m., in the Sully District Governmental Center, 4900 Stonecroft Blvd. in Chantilly. Call Jeff Parnes, evenings, at 703-904-0131.
The panel will learn about BB&T’s proposal to build a drive-in bank in Centreville’s Sully Station Shopping Center. It will also hear details about Fairfax Forward, Fairfax County’s next step in the new planning process that replaced the countywide Area Plans Review.
Park Authority to Meet
The Fairfax County Park Authority will meet Wednesday, July 25, at 7:30 p.m., in the Herrity Building, 12055 Government Center Parkway, Suite 900 in Fairfax. Call Judy Pedersen at 703-324-8662.
Free Carseat Inspections
Certified technicians from the Sully District Police Station will perform free, child safety carseat inspections Thursday, July 26, and Thursday, Aug. 9, from 5-8:30 p.m., at the station, 4900 Stonecroft Blvd. in Chantilly. No appointment is necessary. But residents should install the child safety seats themselves so technicians may properly inspect and adjust them, as needed.
However, because of time constraints, only the first 35 vehicles arriving on each date will be inspected. That way, inspectors may have enough time to properly instruct the caregiver on the correct use of the child seat. Call 703-814-7000, ext. 5140, to confirm dates and times.
WFCM Seeks Food, Volunteers
Western Fairfax Christian Ministries’ (WFCM) food pantry urgently needs donations of oil (48 oz. or smaller); flour (2-5 lb. bag); sugar (2-5 lb. bag); rice (2 lb. bags); canned meats; salad dressing, jelly; jam; peanut butter, spaghetti sauce, Ramen Noodles, canned fruit; canned beets, spinach, greens, and mixed vegetables; canned garbanzo, butter and northern beans; dry pasta and beans, pancake mix and syrup; hot and cold cereal and coffee. In addition, the Food Pantry would appreciate fresh produce from local gardens.
Also needed are laundry detergent, toothpaste, shampoo, toilet paper and baby wipes. WFCM clients are also in great need of gasoline cards.
Bring all items to WFCM’S food pantry at 13981 Metrotech Drive (near Backyard Grill and Bar) in Chantilly. Volunteers are also needed:
Thrift store: Volunteers are needed Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, from 10 a.m.-2 p.m., to receive donations. Contact Volunteer Manager Annette Bosley at 703-988-9656.
Food pantry: Volunteers are needed Wednesdays and Thursdays, from 11 a.m.-2:30 p.m., to bag/stock groceries. A regular, weekly volunteer is also needed on Wednesdays to pick up donations from Food Lion, from now through August.
Furniture ministry: One person is needed to help move furniture that will be given to clients in need.
Meals on Wheels Volunteers
Fairfax County needs Meals on Wheels drivers in Chantilly and group Meals on Wheels coordinators in both Chantilly and Fairfax. Contact Volunteer Solutions at 703-324-5406, TTY 711, VolunteerSolutions@fairfaxcounty.gov VolunteerSolutions@fairfaxcounty.gov or visit www.fairfaxcounty.gov/dfs/olderadultservices/volunteer-solutions.htm.