Centreville — Entertainment
Email announcements to centreview@connectionnewspapers.com. Photos welcome.
Tuesday Nights
World-Class Jazz. 6-9 p.m. Paul Langosch on bass and Rick Whitehead on guitar. At the Copper Canyon, 5815 Trinity Parkway, Centreville. Call 703-830-6600 for reservations.
Mondays & Wednesdays
Zumba. 7-8 p.m. Latin-based dance fitness classes — no gym membership required. Visit www.gozumbafun.com.
Through Aug. 31
Summer Camp. For ages 3 to rising 9th graders. Teen Camp for rising 10th graders to rising 12th graders. At Mount Olive Baptist Church, 6600 Old Centreville Road, Centreville.
Thursday/July 19
Hands-on History. 1:30-3:30 p.m. A new program at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park, 5040 Walney Road in, provides an opportunity to experience how children lived in the 1800s. A costumed interpreter will lead the program, adding to the experience. Participants will practice penmanship, wash clothes, churn butter, and make ice cream. This program is suitable for children ages 4-9 years old. $10 per child per session. Register at www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/ecl/calendar.htm. Call 703-631-0013, or visit http://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/ecl.
John McCutcheon. 7:30 p.m. Folk musician at Frying Pan Farm Park in Herndon.
Friday/July 20
Musical. 7:30 p.m. Westfield Summer Stage presents the Cole Porter musical comedy, “Anything Goes.” Tickets are $12 in advance, $15 at the door. Seating is reserved. Buy tickets online at http://www.westfieldtheatreboosters.com.
Anthony’s Angel Fund. 6-11 p.m. IHOP is hosting a fundraiser in which 10 percent of all sales will be donated to Anthony, a high school student who fell and broke his neck, leaving him partially paralyzed. There will be raffle prizes and silent auctions; you do not need to be present to win. Located at 13810 E. Braddock Rd.
Saturday/July 21
Children’s Concert. 10 a.m. The ever popular Arts in the Parks Children’s Entertainment Series at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park will feature DINOROCK. Free. Located at 5040 Walney Road.
Musical. 7:30 p.m. Westfield Summer Stage presents the Cole Porter musical comedy, “Anything Goes.” Tickets are $12 in advance, $15 at the door. Seating is reserved. Buy tickets online at http://www.westfieldtheatreboosters.com.
Sunday/July 22
Music of the Civil War. 7:30 p.m. Sully Historic Site and Frying Pan Farm Park join together to host a concert of period music in commemoration of the 150th anniversary of the Civil War. The 97th Regimental String Band recreates an actual string band of the Civil War Era singing a wide variety of traditional American songs in authentic, "living history" style. At Frying Pan Farm Park Visitor Center, 2709 West Ox Road, Herndon. Call 703-437-1794.
Musical. 2 p.m. Westfield Summer Stage presents the Cole Porter musical comedy, “Anything Goes.” Tickets are $12 in advance, $15 at the door. Seating is reserved. Buy tickets online at http://www.westfieldtheatreboosters.com.
Thursday/July 24
Needlework Crafts. Centerville Stitchers welcome adults who enjoy knitting, crocheting, or other needlework crafts, and conversation. 6:30-8:30 p.m. Free. Centreville Regional Library. 14200 St. Germain Dr., Centreville.If you have any questions contact Jo at 703-803-0595 or email joknitter@verizon.net.
Wednesday/July 25
Redefining Help Seminar. 7-8 p.m. Discover five tools to make lasting lifestyle changes. Free. Goose Creek Consulting. 5675 Stone Road, Suite 230.
Friday/July 27
Musical. 7:30 p.m. Westfield Summer Stage presents the Cole Porter musical comedy, “Anything Goes.” Tickets are $12 in advance, $15 at the door. Seating is reserved. Buy tickets online at http://www.westfieldtheatreboosters.com.
Musical. 7:30 p.m. The Alliance Theatre is proud to present its 8th summer musical — Legally Blonde. Chantilly High School, 4201 Stringfellow Road. Visit www.thealliancetheatre.org/.
Saturday/July 28
Redefining Help Seminar. 10-11 a.m. Discover five tools to make lasting lifestyle changes. Free. Goose Creek Consulting. 5675 Stone Road, Suite 230.
Musical. 7:30 p.m. Westfield Summer Stage presents the Cole Porter musical comedy, “Anything Goes.” Tickets are $12 in advance, $15 at the door. Seating is reserved. Buy tickets online at http://www.westfieldtheatreboosters.com.
Musical. 4 p.m. The Alliance Theatre is proud to present its 8th summer musical — Legally Blonde. Chantilly High School, 4201 Stringfellow Road. Visit www.thealliancetheatre.org/.
Sunday/July 29
Musical. 2 p.m. The Alliance Theatre is proud to present its 8th summer musical — Legally Blonde. Chantilly High School, 4201 Stringfellow Road. Visit http://www.thealliancetheatre.org/.
Tea. 1:30-3 p.m. Celebrate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Tea Program at Sully. Hear about the royal House of Windsor and the extraordinary circumstances that brought Her Majesty to the throne sixty years ago during a special tea program at Sully Historic Site, at 3650 Historic Sully Way, Chantilly. Debbie Waugh, coordinator of the Historic House at Green Spring Gardens, will provide a glimpse into the daily life and rigorous schedule of the queen through an enlightening slideshow. Admission is $25 and includes summertime refreshments in the historic residence of Northern Virginia’s first congressman, Richard Bland Lee. Call 703-437-1794 for reservations.
Thursday/Aug. 2
Hands-on History. 1:30-3:30 p.m. A new program at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park, 5040 Walney Road in, provides an opportunity to experience how children lived in the 1800s. A costumed interpreter will lead the program, adding to the authenticity of the experience. Participants will practice penmanship, wash clothes, churn butter, and make ice cream. This program is suitable for children ages 4-9. $10 per child per session. Register at www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/ecl/calendar.htm. Call 703-631-0013, or visit http://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/ecl.
Friday/Aug. 3
Musical. 7:30 p.m. The Alliance Theatre is proud to present its 8th summer musical — Legally Blonde. Chantilly High School, 4201 Stringfellow Road. Visit http://www.thealliancetheatre.org/.
Ghosts. 10-11 p.m. Ghost Trackers, a new program offered by the Fairfax County Park Authority at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park’s Cabells Mill in Chantilly, explores the area’s local history and folklore. Participants age 16 and older will hear chilling tales as they make a rubbing of the enigmatic gravestone and visit the 200-year-old miller’s house in the dark of night. 5040 Walney Road, Chantilly. $15 per person. Materials for rubbings will be provided. Registration is available online at www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/ecl/calendar.htm. Call 703-631-0013.
Saturday/Aug. 4
“The Muppets.” 6 p.m. At the Starlight Cinema Drive-in Movies at Trinity Centre in Centreville.
Musical. 7:30 p.m. The Alliance Theatre is proud to present its 8th summer musical — Legally Blonde. Chantilly High School, 4201 Stringfellow Road. Visit www.thealliancetheatre.org/.
Sunday/Aug. 5
Musical. 2 p.m. The Alliance Theatre is proud to present its 8th summer musical — Legally Blonde. Chantilly High School, 4201 Stringfellow Road. Visit www.thealliancetheatre.org/.
Saturday/Aug. 4 through Sunday/Aug. 5
Expo. Fair Oaks Mall, 11750 Fair Oaks Mall, Fairfax, will present a Women and Children’s Expo for professional women in the Grand Court of the center. The Fair Oaks Women and Children’s Expo will feature such showcased services as continuing education, women's health care and career opportunities for women, along with enrichment programs for children including private schools, private preschools, martial arts, gymnastics, and arts and performance schools. Free and open to the public. Visit www.ShopFair.Oaks.Mall.com or call 703-359-8302.
Thursday/Aug. 16
Hands-on History. 1:30-3:30 p.m. A new program at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park, 5040 Walney Road in, provides an opportunity to experience how children lived in the 1800s. A costumed interpreter will lead the program, adding to the authenticity of the experience. Participants will practice penmanship, wash clothes, churn butter, and make ice cream. This program is suitable for children ages 4-9. $10 per child per session. Register at www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/ecl/calendar.htm. Call 703-631-0013, or visit http://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/ecl.
Friday/Aug. 24 to Sunday/Aug. 26
Conference. Rebuilding Christendom: Towards a Vision of Reconstruction Amidst the Ruins. The Conference will include presentations by 10 speakers, a Friday reception, Continental breakfast on Saturday, Saturday lunch, Saturday dinner, full breakfast on Sunday, Mass on Saturday and Sunday. Early Bird registration of $150. At the Dulles Marriott Hotel. Visit www.rebuildingchristendom.com to register.
Saturday/Aug. 25
Civil War Reenactment. Commemoration of the 150th anniversary of the Medical Evacuation of wounded soldiers will be held at the Fairfax Station Railroad Museum. This Commemoration will honor Clara Barton, "Angel of the Battle Field" and Founder of the Red Cross. The Museum is located at 11200 Fairfax Station Road in Fairfax Station. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Outside activities are free. Museum fee is $5 adults; $1 children 5-10. Under 5 are free. Call 703-425-9225 or visit www.fairfax-station.org.
Sunday/Aug. 26
Open House. Caring Hands Animal Hospital of Centreville is holding their 16th Annual Open House and Dog Wash from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Dog wash for donation, silent auction, freebies, children's games, pet contests and more. Open to the public, proceeds will be donated to local animal rescues. 5659 Stone Road, Centreville. Call 703-830-5700.
Civil War Reenactment. Commemoration of the 150th anniversary of the Medical Evacuation of wounded soldiers will be held at the Fairfax Station Railroad Museum. This Commemoration will honor Clara Barton, "Angel of the Battle Field" and Founder of the Red Cross. The Museum is located at 11200 Fairfax Station Road in Fairfax Station. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Outside activities are free. Museum fee is $5 adults; $1 children 5-10. Under 5 are free. Call 703-425-9225 or visit www.fairfax-station.org.