Centreville Greenbriar West sixth grade students Saiteja Bevara, Dheeraj Bandaru and Ajith Kanuri and team advisor Padmaja Bevara participated and won second place in the state level competition of the Army's eCybermission project. eCybermission is a web-based Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) competition for students in grades six through nine.
Epic Einsteins researched how trash burning causes emissions lead to pollution and ultimately, global warming. They hypothesized that by designing a way to burn trash underground, this would eliminate the amount of emissions in the atmosphere. Their design allowed for trash to be entered into the ground through a trash pipe, and then filtered into a tunnel through a conveyor belt. The trash would then fall through the tunnels into a steel lined open fire chamber where it would be burned, and the conveyor belt would be powered by a windmill above the underground landfill.