Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli addresses the crowd at the GOP Super Saturday Rally in Fairfax. Photo by Andrea Worker
Record-breaking temperatures could not keep more than 100 volunteers and supporters from gathering at the Fairfax Victory Office to participate in the Republican Party’s "Super Saturday" call-to-arms on July 7 targeting a dozen battleground states, including Virginia. Representing a wide spectrum of ages, occupations and ethnic backgrounds, the GOP faithful manned phone banks and braved the heat knocking on doors in a contact blitz described by party officials as the largest get-out-the-vote effort in Virginia history.
Campaign officials said they were encouraged by the recent increase in volunteers and donations. In the twenty-four hours following the Supreme Court’s ruling on ObamaCare, the Party took in about $4.6 million in online donations, with more than $200,000 in Virginia.
Locally organized by the Republican Party of Virginia in conjunction with the Republican National Committee and Romney for President, the event featured Republican leaders and candidates.
Jay McConville, Chairman of the Fairfax County Republican Committee, introduced the day’s first speaker, Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli.
"I know I feel like a piece of bacon sizzling out here, and I bet you do, too. But we can’t afford to lose a single day. The clock is ticking," said Cuccinelli, standing at the podium in front of the Romney for President bus in the parking lot of the Republican headquarters.
Former Virginia Governor George Allen, coming straight from an Independence Day Parade in Orange County with wife Susan, was next to add his thanks and comments. Allen is seeking to re-take the US Senate seat he held from 2001 – 2007. U.S. Rep. Frank Wolf (R-10), spoke surrounded by supporters in "Wolf Pack" t-shirts. The audience responded enthusiastically: Grabbing fresh bottles of water, they streamed back inside, heading to the phone banks and pairing up to form Door-Knocking squads.
Party officials said they plan to hold similar events once a month until the election in November.